Smash pet videos

Jeffry 2021-12-10 08:01:30

I watched it 20 years ago. Remember the big witch who loves black and white, the smart and cute Dalmatian, and the little dog that doesn't grow spots rolling on the ink. I still remember that the dog without spots finally grew out of the ecstasy of the owner of the Dalmatian~

If you want to give 3.5 stars, based on the current scoring situation, round it up and recommend it with four stars.

Reasons for rating: This film has a clear structure, smooth plot, and well-expressed actors. It is a film that is suitable for the whole family to share. There is no age limit. Everyone can find their favorite points, which is very good~

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Extended Reading
  • Alayna 2021-12-10 08:01:30

    Watched it n times, CCTV6 is an old broadcast, similar to Journey to the West.

  • Jaren 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    I completely forgot what I saw when I was a child, but I really liked it at the time =3=Five stars for the feeling in my memory

101 Dalmatians quotes

  • Jasper: [sees that there are raccoons in his truck and honking his horn] OI! Get out of my truck!

    Horace: YEAH!

  • Arresting Officer: Ms. Devil?

    Cruella De Vil: Yes?

    Arresting Officer: We have a warrant for your arrest.

    Cruella De Vil: Oh. Is there something wrong?