Moved by the love of French President Macron? I recommend you to watch "Classroom Don't Love"

Fabiola 2022-09-25 17:57:02

I believe that if it is not deliberately hidden, everyone has a love for a teacher in their youth.

Or try to be a class representative, or deliberately disrupt the class, or be careless when answering questions, or often run to the office, all of which are psychologically driven for some kind of intimacy.

female teacher Viona

Macron met his French teacher Brigitte when he was 16 years old. At that time, Macron was a sophomore in high school. Brigitte worked as a French teacher, equivalent to our language teacher. The one who often guides you to write and write essays, because Macron His literary talent, therefore, Macron became Brigitte's representative of the Chinese class, often running to the teacher's

In France, a country where there is no sky, there is not as much worldly pressure as we do. After 13 years, this relationship has come to fruition. Macron, 29, and Brigitte, 53, are married, just like Prince Charles. and Camilla. If women lament that true love will never be found in this world, think about them, maybe you won't be too disappointed in the future, after all, there are so many young lads.

The psychologist Herlock called the student's love for the teacher "calf love". Many Chinese and foreign literary works have in-depth descriptions of this, so the writers are basically old drivers, such as "Out the Window" and "Forty Men" , "Thirteen Paulownias", etc. Today's introduction is the Swedish film "Teachers Don't Love".

boy stie

The 37-year-old female teacher Viona, I guess she is also a language teacher, had a teacher-student relationship with the 15-year-old young boy Sidi in her class. The Swedes made this film very beautiful and touching, it should be said The film is about the growth history of a boy named Stie. Boys only mature through a woman, and this woman is the university he has to graduate from. From then on, the boy began to grow into a man, flourishing and flourishing, while the university was full of dead branches, decayed and old, like Hannah in the movie "The Reader".

In reality, as the teenager grows up, this kind of "calf love" becomes a memory, and there is basically no result. There is no ending in "Farewell to the Classroom". The boy Sidi announced his graduation by kicking the podium. From then on, he will fly away and the university will close. After all, love results are difficult to happen between people of the same age, let alone two generations.

I hope that every man and woman in the world can meet the love of a lifetime, hold the hand of the son, and grow old together with the son, no matter how old the face of the other party is, we are as beautiful as we are, no matter when, my love will last forever...

"I love your devastated face more than your face then" - Duras, "The Lover".

Hereby declare: This article is the work of the WeChat public account "Movie Common Judgment", please indicate the source for reprinting, thank you!

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