The first time I wrote a comment, I mainly sighed about the handsome uncle! hidden.
View more about A Company Man reviews
Robert 2022-12-02 01:48:44
View more about A Company Man reviews
Company President: We need reliable candidates with solid military backgrounds or good social skills. Taking on wannabe gangsters will turn us into a bunch of thugs.
Ji Hyeong-do: You could have run.
Director Jin Chae-guk: Where to? I spent my whole life getting blood on my hands. I can't hope that my kid will be safe.
Ji Hyeong-do: You don't have to do this.
Director Jin Chae-guk: I got nothing to live for. Just do it.
Ji Hyeong-do: There is... nothing in your life?
Director Jin Chae-guk: What do you care?
Ji Hyeong-do: I don't.