If life is just like reunion

Tiara 2022-09-28 07:51:39

I watched "Sweet Honey" again, and it was a rare revisit in the middle of the night just after New Year's Eve. Some music or movies that go deep into your life don't need constant review. They, like the light shining through the cracks in the tall windows of a church, bring heat not on people, but on their hearts. Even if it is so young, there is a little aroma of time left in the warmth.

Li Qiao is from Guangzhou and Li Xiaojun is from Tianjin. Two people with dreams, walking through the gaps of the towering high-rise buildings in Hong Kong and Kowloon, met in that small McDonald's restaurant. In this city where behavior and language are unfamiliar, there is no doubt that he needs friends too much. Does she not need it? Although she is so capable and so actively and decisively integrated into this materialistic Pearl of the East, she still needs a shoulder to share. The city is too big, and people are in it, and they lose their direction when they turn around. However, a city is just the tip of the map compared to a dream or a grand picture of life. In this endless scroll of pictures, it is not easy to remember the time of arrival. Two intersecting broken lines meet at this point in the journey of pursuing the front.

On New Year's Eve in 1987, the night market was crowded with people, and Manman's Deng-style love songs were softly played. But it was the season of wind and rain, and the expectations of the two people's business boom were ruthlessly extinguished, not as good as the warmth of Vitasoy and the enrichment of wontons. "I have only one friend of you in Hong Kong. If I don't let you get cheap, you won't care about me anymore. In that case, I don't even have a friend here." When he said this, Li Xiaojun was like that Be careful. At the end of the conversation, the two were relatively speechless, so they had to bow their heads and bite the straw.

So, in the cold spring night, the two pairs of cold hands that had washed the dishes held together. Did two lonely hearts finally come together? It's more like a lonely entanglement, warming each other. On Li Qiao's mouth, that night, "but the wind was heavy and the rain was heavy, and two lonely people had a reunion dinner in confusion." As for the feeling in the bottom of my heart, it may take time to clear the clouds and fog to gain insight; perhaps, it is only after a lifetime of taste and comprehension that we can understand.

Love doesn't know where to start, it goes deep.

The days passed like this, and the two of them still vaguely but persistently believed that they were walking on the established road; but in this unfamiliar city street, there was an additional pedestrian who accompanied each other, walking through those high and low, happy and unhappy. Homecoming. It's just that the hand of time is so powerful, and after softly brushing it, everything has changed. When Li Xiaojun hugged Li Qiao and closed his eyes sweetly behind her, did he ever realize that the person in his arms was opening his eyes with tears of forbearance and contradictions? I don't know if that distance is far or near. When the feelings melted into love, he was half a beat slower than her, a fatal half beat.

Two identical bracelets were given to two women; Li Xiaojun clumsily took care of his delicate relationship with Li Qiao. However, in an instant, the sense of security that Li Qiao was trying to support was shattered. The distance, the future, has degenerated from a vague imagination to a realistic ideal. She said to him, "I didn't come to Hong Kong for you, and you didn't come to Hong Kong for me." It was heartbreaking to be so determined, so cold. no way. The helplessness of each of us is because we have too many desires in our hearts. In this city that has endured temporary wandering in order to reach the other side of life, how can it be so easy to affect the pace of progress because of one person or one thing? Maybe, accompany you for a while, enough to make yourself think clearly.

But God was naughty and let them meet again. The waves of emotion were awakened by an unintentional car chirping, provoking endless lust. However, this little light was quickly drowned in the torrent of life and disappeared. Reality, it seems, always comes first. In order to stick to Fang Xiaoting, Li Xiaojun gave up Li Qiao; Li Qiao gave up Li Xiaojun for the affectionate and righteous Leopard Brother.

The two parted again and scattered across the horizon.

After five years of flicking my fingers, after tossing and turning, God's will actually tricked people again. After Brother Leopard encountered an accident, Li Qiao found Li Xiaojun on the street on the way to be repatriated, and chased after him frantically. What kind of straw is this chasing in order to hold on to? Rather than running towards love, it is better to say that it is a race against fate, although there is still no victory. But this woman who was helpless and helpless in a foreign country, after meeting and missing her old love, took root tenaciously. Perhaps, this was a better result than when she caught up with Li Xiaojun at the time.

On May 8, 1995, a generation of song queen Yu died incense. Li Qiao and Li Xiaojun both walked slowly through the streets and alleys of Manhattan and stopped in front of the window. Commemorating is not about commemorating, but more about remembering the past years with her company. At that street corner, Li Qiao turned his head, and the two finally met again. With a slight frown, time did not stand still, but melted.

Back to March 1, 1986, back-to-back encounters on the train going south. The movie stops here. I will no longer tell you a vulgar happy ending of hugging, crying, and talking, and we will be together from now on; nor will I tell you a sad story of silence, relief, chatting, and then returning to their respective tracks and looking at each other at the end of the world. Just right.

Li Qiao's smile at Xiaojun is calm, sad, stunned, calm, detached, relieved, joyful, grateful... Once in the sea, there are too many. If there were no such encounters and departures, if there were no traces of separation from people who wandered in the world, how could there be this indifferent and bright smile when we meet again? Time dilutes human feelings and stories, but memories will become more and more clear as the past drifts. Emotions slowly settle under the erosion of time, and no longer rush to the distance with the flow of life. Which of the feathers scattered along the way fluttered in the wind in my heart?

Nalan Xingde's "If life is just like the first time", it is beautiful, and the happiness resides in the first moment of heartbeat. But in the end, it contains a bit of resentment for the impermanence of life's changes and fate. On the other hand, when we meet again, on the side of the sinking boat, thousands of sails have passed, and under the constant abandonment along the way, the true feelings and emotions will be printed. If life is just like reunion, it may be a contradictory proposition, but if the truth of those lives can be given a chance to meet again, it is the most perfect ending.

Although the film is called "Sweet Honey", the episodes are mostly "The Moon Represents My Heart", "Goodbye, My Lover" and so on. It seems that only in the scene of the last reunion, the singing of "Sweet Honey" is remembered until the end. Whether it was intentional or not, you can only ask the soundtrack. The English name of the film is "Almost A Love Story". Is it really just almost? Li Xiaojun and Li Qiao, Li Xiaojun and Xiaoting each other, Leopard Brother to Li Qiao, Rosy to William H., even Jerrimy and Kai Lan... Which relationship can we definitely deny and say that it is not love? Although, each paragraph, it seems that it is not so sweet. Honey. Honey.

Almost a love story.

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Comrades, Almost a Love Story quotes

  • Operator: Page number, please?

    XiaoJun Li: 1986 please.

    Operator: Who's calling?

    XiaoJun Li: Li Xiao-jun. The message is... bye bye.

  • XiaoJun Li: Everyday was a new experience. If you were next to me, it would have been so much better.