Divinity or Oedipus?

Ashtyn 2022-05-15 22:07:56

"Oedipus" is so well known that it can almost be equated with the word "mother's plot". Freud did not think that his theory based on sexual struggle could also promote people's understanding. Because modern people are so rich and convenient, they can arbitrarily choose what they need from classical myths and legends, and they don't need to care about the rest. Was Oedipus merely a mother-in-law? I think the world should not be made up of only two different sex organs! The greatness of Oedipus lies in his attempt to overcome divine righteousness by virtue of human righteousness. Although he became a tragedy of human righteousness in the end, at least his daughter's eyes guide him. I think the film succeeds in showing his confusion and struggle, Oedipus doesn't know where the road is, and when he goes blind, he sees better than before. . .

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