What is going on in the Vietnam War?

Earnestine 2021-12-08 08:01:50

The Vietnam War was based on the misjudgment of the situation by the U.S. leadership after World War II, and then continued to bluff and deceive the people.

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Truman, in 1947 proposed "Trumanism" to curb communism;

Eisenhower began to support the South Vietnamese government in 1955;

Kennedy, began to engage in special warfare in Vietnam in 1961; in his inaugural speech, "Don't ask what the country has done for you, but ask what you have done for the country", fooling young Americans to death in Vietnam;

Johnson, began to directly participate in the war in 1965, "Operation Rolling Thunder" (Operation Rolling Thunder);

Nixon, began negotiations on a truce with Vietnam in 1969.

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Extended Reading
  • Emmalee 2022-04-22 07:01:28

    Inspiration is Tom's nirvana in the past, but now he is more and more like a scientist.

  • Richie 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    When Liang Tang was young, the hairline was so backward? For films like Reflections on War, it feels like the pedagogical significance outweighs the practical impact. Even if there are 100 auctions a year, upper-level decision makers will still only act according to the political situation.

Born on the Fourth of July quotes

  • Jamie Wilson - Georgia: What's done is done, sir. I can't ever forgive you... but maybe the Lord can.

    Mrs. Wilson: We understand, Ron. We understand the pain you've been going through.

  • Ron Kovic: We went to Vietnam to stop communism!... We shell women and children!

    Mrs. Kovic: You didn't shoot women and children! What are you saying?

    Ron Kovic: That was the war, communism, the incidious evil! They told us to go.

    Mrs. Kovic: Yes, yes that's what they told us.

    Ron Kovic: Thou shalt not kill, Mom. Thou shalt not kill women and children! Thou shalt not kill! Remember? Isn't that what you taught us? Isn't that what they taught us?

    Mrs. Kovic: Stop it! Stop it!