when memories become memories

Godfrey 2022-04-19 09:03:01

When memories become memories, what will you miss, what will you want to cherish, what is the reason that supports your life, and what is the food you live on?

Feeding on memories - "Millennium Actress"

I have been waiting for you for a thousand years, I always look for your figure in different roles, the one who gave me warmth in the first snow, the back that I will never forget, you are in me Memories slowly become eternal, I use my memories to support myself to find you, I use my memories as food to maintain my life, because I know that I should have died long ago, but I appear in the movie over and over again. I just want to hold your hand, I just want to say I love you.

However, when you stood in front of me again, I still couldn't say a word, those oaths of eachother, those sweet words, those things I always fantasized about suddenly disappeared, and then I realized that the I have been eroded by myself little by little with my memories, and then I realized that in fact, everything is no longer important, I just kept running after your shadow, and slowly lost myself, at this time I I just realized that I no longer love you, I have let go, I have let you go, no more, when the memory becomes the memory, I have also disappeared.

Memories - the reincarnation that cannot be escaped in one's life - "Air Killer"

This is an indescribable sentimental, obviously seeing the death of the person we love, but the tears never fall, we know that the battle is ours Fate, but please don't forget that we are also human, and we also have memories, longings, and feelings.

This is a kind of inexplicable loss. When the appearance of the person you love appears in front of you again, but there is no memory of the past, you are lost in your face, you are lost in your familiar figure, and you are lost in the habit that you have never changed. I know it's not you, but I'm still deeply attracted to you and hopelessly in love with you again.

This is the meaning of life that we don’t understand even after thinking about it. Why war can never be far away from us, why there are always some people in the world who sacrifice their lives for the interests of most people. We are children who will never grow up. The funny thing is, what's the point of growing up if you don't even know if you can live until tomorrow?

This is an unforgettable love, we will always be attracted to each other, no matter how many ups and downs we have experienced, no matter how good the gods are, as long as we meet again, as long as our eyes meet again, each other's hearts will be Will beat the same beat again, I try to forget everything about you, your clothes, your smile, your figure, your smell, your unfinished cigar when you leave at last, but in a dream, I again After seeing you, flying with you in the air again, and experiencing true freedom again, I had to accept the reality - I can't live without you.

This is a self-evident revelation, why is it like this? Why do you always miss each other so easily? Could it be that we were a couple like this in our past lives? Is this hopeless love and separation? do i owe you? So tell me, what do I owe you? Why am I in so much pain, why did I shoot you with my own hands, why do I have to numb myself with alcohol every night? I have always been so destined to have no part in it, verifying the occurrence of this tragedy time and time again.

This is something we can't escape in our whole life - reincarnation. Maybe it's just like what was written in "Aerial Killer", this is our destiny, our destiny, always pass by, always cherish each other but can't grow old together, maybe this is the rule of this world, there are insurmountable enemies, With comrades you lose at any time, and love, this time it's your turn to shoot, kill me, and we'll fall into reincarnation again, but this time it's your turn to experience pain, I know this is Cruel, I know this is something you don't want to see, but you know what, I've been through this many times, we can't change it, we can't do anything, we can only accept it silently, because it's something we will run away from for the rest of our lives Out of nowhere - reincarnation.

The pain and joy of amnesia - "Amnesia" and "Fifty First Loves"

amnesia is the last thing we want to see, but there are always movies to describe this or that story, some joy, some sadness.

What if memory can only last for 10 minutes? How am I going to live, forget everything, how can I remember what to remember? Only tattoos and snapshots can keep me alive, carrying a camera to achieve my goals, which no one wants to see, and this is also a helpless compromise.

Waking up every day is the same day in my memory, forgetting your smile yesterday, your clumsy approach, your lame acting, forgetting you. Will you still make me fall in love with you again? Let me fall in love with you at first sight again, let me get your phone number again, come to the aquarium with you again, and listen to you play "Forgetful Ruth" again.

Tear up the diary, burn the photos, can I really forget you? After so many years of hard work, can there be nothing left? When you appeared in front of me again, I knew that the one in my dream was you, that's right!

The trilogy of memories - the trilogy of memories of "The Trilogy of Memories" by Otomo Keyang

, three fragments of memories, some are joking, some are humorous, some are sad.

No one can take away her memory, no one can change her memory, she only lives in her own memory, her memory supports the entire spaceship, the decoration of her most glorious time takes advantage of the situation, and the sound of nature when she is at its peak, She was in full bloom when she was young, and as the memory faded, she instantly turned into nothingness and disappeared into the vast space, and that she also disappeared with her memory.

There are many high-rise buildings, a rigorous army, neat cannons, and targets that do not know the coordinates. The meaning of this city is to shoot cannons into the distance every day. Is this life? Repeating the same action every day, the same content, is this life? Is it fictitious? Or our pictures?

囧~~~ It smells so bad, when you smell it, you are already dead~~~~

Memories and Time - "Memory Block House"

When we inadvertently lift the curtain of memory, when we accidentally open the door of the meeting, Watching the familiar pictures and figures flash by again and again, sighing that time flies, the white horse passes by, maybe a squashed rose petal in an old book can stir up thousands of waves.

What is that time? She is like a rising river, drowning our past little by little, slowly wiping away the scars of the past, she is so gentle, you will not realize that she is flowing, she is rising, you are just over and over again Repeat your own life, grow up slowly, grow old slowly, until you will find that she has wiped your ankle.

What about memories? We open the box of memory, the fragments of the past slowly come to mind, some are forgotten, some are remembered, and some are unforgettable, like treasures that have been lost and found, but everything faded with time and lost its original color , but the outline is more clear. What remains is pain, the more touching the memories, the more bleak and lonely the reality, this human being is an invincible enemy, and once again sits by our side.

When memory becomes memory, when memory is slowly drowned by time, when we choose to lose memory, when we cannot escape that reincarnation, we know, this is life.

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