I remember full of love

Jerrold 2022-04-19 09:03:03

Every time I watch a movie, I always understand it from the perspective of my personal preferences. I like fresh and beautiful pictures and stories that can touch my heart. No matter what the director wants to tell, as long as it meets my preferences, I will classify it as good movie. Just like Black Lightning, I actually saw this movie two years ago, but I suddenly remembered it today. In my opinion, a movie that allows me to clearly remember the title and remember the heart-moving plot every time I think of it is a good movie.
Maybe I won't analyze the technical and artistic aspects of the shooting angle, but I can only see deep feelings that touch the soul from the inside.
What I can still remember is that my sister waited for my brother to tell him stories before falling asleep, because my father would not come back, and my brother would pick up his father's job and tell stories every day.
The deepest impression is that the black lightning jumped and washed away the icicles, the rose petals were scattered all over the car, and the white snow picture, large tracts of petals fell.
The most heavy and heart-wrenching thing is that when my father left, his telepathy felt that something bad was about to happen...

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Extended Reading
  • Ivah 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    Damn pragmatism. The girl is cute, and it's good to join the moral discussion about helping or not.

  • Kole 2022-04-21 09:03:38

    The heroine is very problematic. . .

Black Lightning quotes

  • Max: Want a lift?

    Nastya: I doubt you're strong enough to lift me but, yeah, I could use a lift.

  • Romantseva: It all started with a crystal found in a soil sample from the moon. It turned out that the crystal was capable of altering the chemical composition of substances. We created a device that increased the energy of fuel a million-fold. We called it the nanocatalyst.