Whether it’s a chicken or an egg, the revolution is not a treat.

Carol 2021-12-28 08:02:30

After the girl broke the halberd, she plucked up the courage to watch "Judas and the Black Messia" with a bad foreboding, and as expected, she was disappointed without expectation.

The film is a "biographical drama" about the incident in which the chairman of the Chicago Black Panther Party was betrayed by an FBI informant and assassinated by the FBI in the late 1960s.

What is a biographical drama? Is it a realistic biography or an artistic plot? The final effect is a story that is neither realistic nor artistic.

The film has gone from a straightforward title to a straightforward plot with no appreciation and added creative value. There is not much film art in it. It is a completely low-profile replica of "The Irishman." If it is a purely biographical film, there are many scenes that do not conform to the logic of reality in detail.

In short, this film uses a plain technique to tell a story that is familiar to some people-it does not provide any additional information or thinking. I don't understand why they need to watch this film.

For those viewers who don't know anything about this story, I don't know where this film, which stereotypes one group of arrogance and ignorance and another group of innocence and innocence, has a strong interest in watching it.

But looking beyond the scope of film, it is not without meaning. Although the event that the movie wants to show, setting aside the original sin of history, is it a question of whether a chicken lays an egg or an egg lays a chicken——

A detail in a film, a gang member described by the police as a cold-blooded killer who was killed in a gun battle with the police. It is just a good baby in the mouth of his mother who accidentally took a spear to pursue his unidentified brother who was taken away by the police. The whereabouts of the brother who was transferred to the hospital by the police and possibly killed secretly was admitted only because he was shot by the police because of protecting the community, and the reason why the police wanted to harass the community was because the gang claimed that they wanted to drive away the police and the autonomy was challenged. Authority, and the reason why the gangs want to drive away the police to achieve autonomy is only because the police abused violence, and...

However, from the tidbits of the quotations of Chairman Mao, we can still deeply feel the foresight, correctness and leadership of the old doctrine.

The revolution is not a treat for dinner, a essay, or painting and embroidery. It cannot be so elegant, calm, gentle, and courteous. A revolution is a riot, a violent action by a class to overthrow another class.

It’s a pity that the protagonists in the film only learned the skin, "Politics is a bloodless war, and war is a bloody politics!", "History is created by the people" and other quotations shouted loudly, superficially. We have done enough, but we can't see the organization, discipline and policy outline at all in the implementation of the action.

In the film, in a different era and in a different environment, it is doomed to fail by copying the art of war on paper, but failing to build the XX doctrine with XX characteristics.

Using the attitude of hosting a meal to engage in revolution (Revolution), in the end, it is nothing more than revenge (revenge)-when is the time for retribution, there is no limit.

Shooting such a socially hot but ordinary film is also like a revolution in the attitude of a treat to dinner, staring politics, and entertaining the revolution. I don't know what its intentions are. By the way, the film finally stated that the descendant of the protagonist is the current Chairman of the Black Panther Party, and it was found dead.

I hope that we are experiencing the various social justice struggles that we need to face, and will not be reduced to a trend of stereotyped portrayals and superficial forms like this film.

Public account [New York Gnome to see the world] Original text: Whether it is a chicken or an egg, the revolution is not a dinner party

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Extended Reading
  • Isadore 2021-12-28 08:02:30

    The casting was well chosen, and the two male protagonists gave good performances. Too much heartbroken, the period when the FBI broke into Fred's house and assassinated him was really crying, you can murder a revolutionary but you can't murder a revolution. It is true that the battle 50 years ago is still going on.

  • Nakia 2021-12-28 08:02:30

    Quite provocative film. I have been thinking, if African civilization is at the forefront of human history, would the blacks also enslaved the whites, should they be, because this is the law of history.

Judas and the Black Messiah quotes

  • Bill O'Neal: These motherfuckers ain't no terrorists. Shit, they're terrorizing me.

  • Fred Hampton: Reform - it's just the masters teaching the slaves how to be better slaves.