Soap actress

Marcus 2022-01-04 08:01:09

I have always liked Sarah Jessica Parker, although the other party is really only a soap queen. Both the fashionable appearance and the mature puzzled cynical urban woman image that has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people make me want to stop with her. Sarah, you are my addiction. I can't quit you. But once I jump on the big screen, I don’t know if it’s because of the standard change. (Are we really picky about movie performances? Or simply because of the mistakes of the screenwriter and director), even if it’s the role of an urban mature woman struggling between emotion and reason, Sarah’s performance really interprets the role in place As an audience, I feel that I am missing a little bit, and I always feel hesitant to talk. It makes people feel very suffocated. The same problem also appears in other characters. Diane Keaton's role is even more so. Not to mention the other supporting roles. If the relationship between the gay brother and the lover and the role of the younger sister in the film are completely creating unreasonable contradictions, the roles of the father and the older sister are completely incomprehensible. I fully understand that I can't focus entirely on a certain actor or a certain plot, but undoubtly, this is a Sarah Jessica Parker movie, but I don't feel that it is entirely. Failure. In other words, although the casting is almost perfect, it still cannot escape the trauma caused by the flaws.

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Extended Reading
  • Mariano 2022-03-24 09:02:21

    Originally thought it was a comedy, but I didn't expect a little sadness

  • Jayde 2022-04-21 09:02:40

    It also belongs to Christmas to watch the most suitable December romantic comedies must be accompanied by some snow

The Family Stone quotes

  • Sybil Stone: He's gonna ask me for that ring...

    Susannah Stone: Mom, *enough* about the ring.

  • Meredith Morton: I don't care whether you like me or not!

    Amy Stone: Of course you do.