Zhongni and Zilu

Bennie 2022-04-22 07:01:54

In the early morning of the GIS major class, there were many students who skipped class because they were unwilling to get out of the warm bed, but even if they came to class on time, they would be hypnotized by their boring narration and abstract and vague theories. Lots of sleepers.
I really couldn't listen to it, so I picked up a book I borrowed from the library and read it, and casually flipped to this "Book with Wu Zhi" by Cao Pi and read it. After reading it, I realized that this was a well-known personal letter. It was written by Cao Pi, who was not yet an emperor at that time, to his advisor and close friend Wu Zhi. Self-thinking." The text in the letter is simple, but the emotion is deep, slightly melancholy, sad and mourning for the deceased. After reading it, I can't help but resonate emotionally with him, and it also gave me a deeper understanding of the Seven Sons of Jian'an. However, the most worthy of my attention and the deepest emotion in the article are the words: "Zhongni is swayed in Zilu", "No one who hurts his family can catch him".
This is an allusion quoted by Cao Pi. Zi Lu, a student of Confucius, worked as a slaughterer in the Wei country. There was civil strife in the Wei country. Zi Lu died in battle and was chopped into meat sauce. When Confucius heard the news of Zi Lu's death, he emptied the meat sauce he was about to eat. He couldn't bear to see it. to the bolognese. This is Confucius' "Fuyi", for Zilu, for his beloved student. The master, who had always looked calm, poured out the meat sauce, became extremely sad, and even shed tears for his apprentice. Who among the disciples can compare to Zilu, who is generous and sacrificed!

Zilu, a name that the Chinese are all too familiar with, but our impression of him is by no means what Confucius called a sage. Throughout the Analects of Confucius, Zilu appeared in it forty-one times, and most of them appeared in the teachings of Confucius. As we all know, there are three thousand disciples of Confucius, and seventy-two of the most sages, such as Yan Yuan, Ran Qiu, Zeng Dian, etc. This also includes sub-roads. But Master Zi's sentence "Yuye, you are braver than me, and you don't have anything to draw from" has fixed people's impression of Zilu on being a brave man who doesn't need brains. The Confucius once emphasized that "Feng He, a violent tiger, who dies without regrets, I will not go with him", referring to people like Zilu.
Zilu's "walking is like doing" has also served as a classic teaching example of the Master's teaching according to his aptitude. On that day, Zilu came to ask the teacher, "Wen Si Xingzhu?" (Do you want to practice it when you hear it?) Confucius replied, "If my father and brother were alive, how could I practice it after hearing it." Later, Ran Qiu also came to ask the teacher the same question of Wen Si Xingzhu, but Confucius's answer was completely different. He told Ran Qiu to practice him after hearing it. Seeing such a scene, Gong Xihua, a good deed, asked the teacher why the teacher gave different answers to the same question. Confucius explained: "Ran Qiu is not strong enough to act, so he must be motivated; and Zilu is brave and extraordinary, so he must be taught to retreat modestly."
However, Zilu is Zilu after all, and being an excellent disciple of the Master must have its cuteness. Confucius said: "The clothes are dirty and the robes stand with the fox and the raccoon dog, and the one who is not ashamed is also the reason." Wearing silk and tattered clothes, standing with the person wearing precious fur clothes, but not feeling ashamed People, probably only Zhongyou (Zi Lu). Indeed, only a straightforward person like Zilu would have such a state of mind. Think about what we in today's society are pursuing all day long, money, fame and fortune, fancy clothes and delicious food, do we often feel inferior, often envious of others, and in the end, we always come to Ah Q with the idea of ​​"being inferior to others" comfort yourself. Sure enough, we sometimes have to be ashamed of Zilu.
Zilu is also very good at asking questions. Because he is straightforward, he asks his teacher if he doesn’t understand. This is the embodiment of “knowing what you know, but not knowing what you don’t know.” The way to seriously educate him, but also set an example for future generations. For example, Zilu asked the teacher: "How can you be called a scholar?" (How can you be called a sergeant?) The master said: "It is a gentleman, and it is like a gentleman. (Encourage and supervise each other, and live in harmony). My friends are cuddling, and my brother Yiyi."
There was also a waning spring afternoon. Confucius and several disciples "sit" leisurely in the courtyard, and asked everyone to talk about their ideals. Zi Lu was the first to speak, expounding his ideals of governing the country with pride. However, the Master's attitude towards him was actually "squeaky". Whenever I see the sentence "Master swears" in a single paragraph, I always remember it. The reason given by the Master is "to serve the country with courtesy, and not to give in, it is for this reason." But I always think, in fact, the Master's seemingly contemptuous "哂" actually contains a lot of meaning. Not laughing at Zilu's big words, but laughing at him for violating the rules of propriety in governing the country. Zi Lu is naturally reckless and brave. This is his weakness as well as his strength. He can always stand up at critical moments. At the beginning, when Confucius was expelled from Lu by Ji Huanzi, who was in control of the state of Lu, he started his journey around the world. After a lonely journey, just like Tang Sanzang's journey to the west to study scriptures, he is destined to face eighty-one disasters. In the end, Xuanzang was lucky. There were three apprentices with great powers to escort him all the way, and Confucius was even luckier. After his helpless but determined steps, he followed closely by a group of more determined disciples. The leader was Zilu.
Master, how could you just leave alone? Without my Zilu, who would drive the carriage for you?

In fact, Confucius really loved Zilu. Confucius often has a slight contempt for Zilu's attitude, not for his contempt for Zilu, but for his bravery. The Master really hates that iron is not steel, and does not want Zilu's bravery to bring him misfortune. , the so-called "gentleman with courage but without justice is chaos, villain with courage but without justice is a thief". Confucius advocated the rule of courtesy and yield in his whole life, and he sincerely hoped that his disciples, especially Zilu, could help him realize the ideal of great harmony in the world and restore the ritual system of the Zhou Dynasty. Zilu does have the ability to govern the country, and Confucius once commented, "What is the point of being in politics?" It shows that if Zilu is to govern political affairs, there is no difficulty. "Now Yu and Qiu can be called a minister." It shows that Zilu and Ran Qiu are both capable ministers.
Confucius's theory of benevolence and righteousness cannot be implemented in various countries, and the process of traveling around is extremely difficult. Later, when Wei Guo heard about Zi Lu's talents, he sent someone to ask Zi Lu to help him govern Wei. Before leaving, both teachers and students said goodbye sadly. Zilu and Confucius were not much different in age. Zilu knelt down to Confucius with the courtesy of a student. Confucius' eyes were full of joy and expectation, but also infinite sadness. Confucius put his clothes and hats right for Zilu affectionately, and told Zilu that he should not be in a hurry when he is in government; those in power should have proper clothing and etiquette on the outside, and moral character and spirit on the inside; remember, those who are indecent, don’t listen, don’t look, and don’t speak. Don't move...

With the Master's teachings, I think that even when he died, Zi Lu must have been fully clothed and dignified to die!

Cao Pi's handed down letter touched me, and the memory of my Master caused me to be even more excited. I came back to my senses and looked at the teacher on the podium. She was like a loudspeaker. In addition to following the script, she demonstrated her PPT in an orderly manner. She turned around and left after the class. give us what?
"Teacher, that's why preaching and teaching work to solve doubts." Well, what am I planning? I deserve to come to your class so early, why don't I go back and be a lazy brother who "who knows big dreams first, I know myself all my life".
Woohoo, the teacher's way has not existed for a long time.

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