What do you think about when you walk alone on the beach?

Sydney 2022-04-20 09:02:47

Kim Min-hee won the Berlin Film Festival for this "autobiographical" film, and is said to be the second female lead in the Republic of Korea to receive this honor. But at the same time, news of her and director Hong Sang-soo swept in again. Coincidentally, this movie is the work of director Hong Sang-soo, and what we saw might be what the director wanted us to know.

The film is divided into two parts, the first part is in a foreign town, with the sea, but without him; the second part is in Gangneung, South Korea, with the sea, and there is him in the dream.

Anyway, it's empty.

The first story is that Yingxi travels far away, a cold-hearted female friend, a bookstore owner with a story, an unknown man, a slightly embarrassing party, and one person thinks about one person. A woman who has been hurt by love, an actress who has been condemned by public opinion, can't let go of her seemingly open-minded thoughts. Although this sentence doesn't quite fit the tone of who she loves, it's true because she said " Oh, I really miss that person."

She chatted with people from far and near, went for a walk in the park, knelt down and prayed that she would know what she wanted when she walked across the bridge, had no hope that he would come to her, listened to people playing the piano and wanted to read a book, but she However, he squatted on the beach and painted his portrait alone, and said that he missed him without a strong emotion. The weather was very cold, the breath was foggy, no one held her hand, and she was not even sure whether the person she missed missed her, she must have felt lonely at that time. My friend asked me if I had dated many handsome men, and Yingxi said yes, I don’t pay much attention to appearance now, yes, the person who can walk into the heart and never forget must be a person with spiritual resonance, and can have more important communication except sex.

If she is just unrequited love, I really feel sorry for her.

If she is not unrequited love, she is really distressed for all the people involved in this matter.

You say, are they right?

You say, does he miss her?

At the end of the first paragraph, Yingxi was carried away by a stranger. Maybe it was the person who inexplicably asked them the time on the road. Maybe it was the person in Yingxi's heart. There are many possibilities, true or false. In short, Yingxi no longer hides. Back to Korea.

Young-hee stood at the entrance of the cafe smoking a cigarette and humming a song. For one minute and twenty seconds, from the long shot to the close shot, the camera was pushed abruptly and even a bit barbaric. In the long shot, you thought the director was so alienated on purpose, but suddenly When it comes to close-ups, you think the director will push to close-ups to let us feel Young-hee's emotions at a closer distance, but there are none of these. We are just bystanders even from far to near, or in other words, we are all bystanders from beginning to end. , because there is no empathy in this world at all.

This story is inherently autobiographical, so we inevitably think about reality, and some lines may be what they want to tell us.

Do you have to be eligible? It's good to love someone, isn't it?

They seem to be truly in love.

Let them love each other, why do people make trouble. It's nothing to do, it's unethical after all. To put people to death, those people must be very enthusiastic. They do such cruel things, but they are too embarrassed to say that their love is unethical.

There is no way to comment, anyone can say it dialectically.

The movie has no climax. Jin Minxi's two emotional outbursts are more like fireworks blooming and fleeting, but from calm to outburst, from restraint to freewheeling, the rhythm is well controlled, and we can only feel loneliness from it.

She curled up by the sea and had a dream about him, and no one knew what she was thinking.

What about you, what are you thinking when you walk alone on the beach?

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Extended Reading

On the Beach at Night Alone quotes

  • Jun-hee: Are you still searching for love?

    Young-hee: Where's love? It's not even visible. You need to see it in order to search for it.

  • Young-hee: You can't love, so you cling to life, right?