"1942" - Feng Xiaogang, you TM returned me 70 yuan!

Renee 2022-04-20 09:02:42

Let me state in advance that I've been disgusted by Feng Xiaogang since the movie Night Banquet and A World Without Thieves. But this film review is objective and does not involve any personal emotions.

This afternoon, I took my long-lost, pregnant niece to see this movie. When I entered the theater, I told my heart that I was ready to cry; as a result, not only did I not cry, but I lost hope for all Chinese domestic blockbusters.

I am from Henan, I am from Luohe, but I don't know much about that period of history; I didn't pay attention to the relevant information until the filming of the film in 1942, knowing that in that special era, we in Henan starved to death a few times. million people.

Today, Comrade Feng Xiaogang, who is known as one of the best directors in China, has brought the so-called "1942", which has been in the making for 18 years, on the big screen. But in my opinion, in my opinion, in my opinion, in my opinion as a diaosi who has already made two micro-movies, it is too ridiculous.

The play claims to be a true reproduction of the 1942 Henan famine. But throughout the article, we can't see cannibalism, the transformation and cruelty of the victims' human nature when they were starving, and even less of a redemption of human nature in such a situation!

He said that he was going to shoot eighteen years ago, but what did he shoot in TM? Rubbish!

1. This is a reflection of Henan. KAO Xun Niang, the main actor is a native of Henan, and the words spoken by a person in the county have several intonations and dialects. Feng Xiaogang, in addition to inviting celebrities, do you dare to find local actors who are both from Henan and have acting skills? KAO 恁niang, look at Avatar, is there a star?

2. Action scenes. Damn, the special effects are all Koreans, I can't bear it, but you shot two Japanese bombing scenes, in addition to having enough planes, enough people to be bombed, you have so many bombing points, you still have What? The blind deer hugged the priest to avoid the bomb, and the bomb exploded less than a meter away from them. How could the two of them have nothing to do with each other? Do you TM think this is a child playing house? Even if you TM copy the 1998 rescue of Private Ryan, okay? Did you show us the cruelty of war?

3. Those who eat tree bark in two moonlights, still have the mind and strength to ask others? Feng Xiaogang, Liu Zhenyun, are you in heat?

4. The Kuomintang was ineffective in the War of Resistance? Xen TM will do anything other than to please Zhong GONG? To be a ** to these audiences?

5. Find international superstars. Adrien Brody, Tim Robbins. I mean, what two amazing actors, what two gimmicky actors! Could it be that foreign actors who immigrated to China or live in China regularly in China are not competent for these two roles? Don't you still study like Zhang Yimou's ** and hire big names from Hollywood to improve the quality of this movie?

6. You starved to death for 3 million, did you show it? People eat people, have you shown it? Have you shown the most heart-wrenching, indignant, helpless and extreme darkness between people?

7. Extras. Ma Laibi, all of them are big basins, and all of them are fat like Sister Furong who just debuted. Do you dare to say that this TM is a fugitive?

8, starved to death three million, how did you show it? Is that the number that the governor said when he reported to the chairman? You TM don't even have a scene where someone falls down and can't stand up again when you walk. How dare you say that you call this 1942?

9. Lens. One-third of the shots with TM should be expressed in a different way. Although I am just a director who has made two insignificant micro-movies, I also despise your shots! Shame on JB!

10. In times of famine, people eat people, people starve to death, etc., all of which revolve around "people". But in my eyes, Xun is completely fabricated to tell this story, and there is no integrity at all. Have you photographed the psychological changes at each stage?

11. Music. There are times when there should be no, and there are places where there should not be!

12. Without a little mental process, Shuanzhu will fight against the Japanese soldiers for the pair of other people's children he just got, and eventually be killed. Paralyzed, in the middle of the movie, the groom who dared not fart in the face of the Kuomintang grabbing food, why was he suddenly so heroic and righteous in front of the Japanese? Is this the so-called national dignity? Or to highlight the character of Zhang Mo?

13. Just a few seconds after the Japanese bombing stopped, the Kuomintang began to QJ and loot. Damn, is the mental quality of the Kuomintang so good?

14. I went with the mentality that I would cry, but ended up laughing and cursing. After the film ended, I yelled at the Dadi Cinema, "He shot that ball!" , Han Sanye and other bigwigs in the domestic film and television industry have a face-to-face talk with me.

15. If it weren't for the fact that "Youth School" was dubbed in Mandarin, I wouldn't have watched this film; if it wasn't for my niece who wanted to watch it, I wouldn't have watched it either; I just want to say: Feng Xiaogang, you pay me back seventy bucks!

Finally, let me say: I will never go to the cinema to watch domestic films in the future!

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