Pulp Fiction - The Harder You Read

Claudie 2022-04-22 07:01:02

Just watched this 94 movie last night. . . At that time, it was only the second grade of elementary school. . .
The style is quite distinct, and there are often "longer shots"
that I don't know why, which makes me think this film is more like a comic. . .
A group of two, a group of two, a group of two. . .

At the end of a few short stories, a more suitable chronological order will be sorted out
. I really don't understand why this is done. . .

Actually, I don't know what the hell is good about this movie
. . . I really think it's a bit interesting,
but I can't figure out why the evaluation is so high
. Maybe I really don't understand it. . .

The passage of the Bible that Samuel L. Jackson quoted,
and its final reformation
, is probably allegorical. . .
From the beginning, I saw the hero of lie to me, and I was also pleasantly surprised,

looking forward to Inglourious Basterds

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Pulp Fiction quotes

  • [cleaning their bloody hands]

    Jules: Fuck, nigga, what the fuck did you do to his towel?

    Vincent: I was dryin' my hands.

    Jules: You're supposed to wash 'em first!

    Vincent: You watched me wash 'em.

    Jules: I watched you get 'em wet.

    Vincent: I was washing 'em. But this shit's hard to get off. Maybe if I had Lava or something, I coulda done a better job.

    Jules: I used the same fuckin' soap you did and when I got finished, the towel didn't look like no goddamn Maxi-Pad!

  • Mia: [after snorting what she thinks is coke; it's heroin] I said God Damn! God Damn...


    Mia: ...God damn...

    [passes out]