The predecessor of the magic palace empire

Tatyana 2021-12-08 08:01:43

I haven’t checked the information, but I feel that the game Mortal Kombat is adapted from this movie of Bruce Lee (because the action of the protagonist of the game is completely imitated Bruce Lee). The film of the Palace Empire....... To be honest, I have no impression of the movie, but I still have memories of the super bloody finishing moves in the game. Today, it is impossible for this kind of game to appear in the game hall grandiosely...

If you have watched these two movies and played this game, first, you will agree with my point of view, and second, you are a male born in the 70s.

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Extended Reading
  • Muriel 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    Like the old 007 movie stuffed with Bruce Lee, the lines of the two foreigners are relatively redundant, and the overall roughness of the times, but there is no lack of excitement, the Hong Kong windsurfing fishing boat pier is very beautiful, the island is surrounded by sumo wrestlers and feasts. The birdcage hanging from the ceiling, the confrontation with Mr. Han's mirror room, and even the scene of the street where my sister is being chased, these sets with Chinese style and whimsy are very beautiful, and they may never be seen again in the future. Bruce Lee's weapons and kicks are very good-looking, and he contributed the classic egg broken meme (actually, it is the complicated mood of the enemy).

  • Anais 2022-04-22 07:01:27

    I always feel that Bruce Lee speaks English weird...

Enter the Dragon quotes

  • Williams: Man, you come right out of a comic book.

  • [Oharra throws a board in the air and smashes it with his fist]

    Lee: [smiles] Boards don't hit back.