I'm blind!

Donavon 2022-02-17 08:01:05

Eddie Murphy plays the triangle alone. Pharaoh is the most interesting. Lapster’s makeup is too powerful. The moving mountains. Nobitt is weak and incompetent. The hero and heroine this time is the worst combination I have seen so far. , Is also the most difficult to enter the protagonist, but the two characters are very distinct, after all, they are both very annoying.

The highlight of the film is the church singing and dancing. The impromptu performance of the two ghost horse pimps is really fun. The most important thing is that the protagonists are not present.

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Extended Reading
  • Maiya 2022-04-21 09:02:44

    Chen: 1. As for the root cause, in Lang Xianping's view, there is a problem with the statement that "the state retreats and the people advance", because there has been a lot of corruption that embezzles state-owned assets. However, Chen made a systematic rebuttal, arguing that only "the country retreats and the people advance" can it be possible to cultivate enterprises that can become internationally competitive. 2 Chen: He is acting without principle in sensational manipulation and excessively inciting public opinion to serve his own interests, which is an irresponsible act.

  • Abbey 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    When you know that the male protagonist plays the role of a triangle, add one star. Otherwise it's just a discriminatory film, like KFC, it does more harm than good

Norbit quotes

  • Rasputia: Hell to the no!

  • Rasputia: [to Norbit as she's grabbing his head] I'm gonna rip your head off.

    Big Jack: Rasputia?

    Rasputia: What?

    Big Jack: Car.

    Rasputia: I don't give a damn 'bout no car. I'm ready to die!

    Big Jack: [a car approaches head-on towards Big Jack's truck] Car!

    [Rasputia let's go of Norbit; Norbit is yelling, sending him down a hill in the woods]

    Rasputia: I'm ready to die! I'm ready to die!

    Big Jack: I ain't gonna let you ruin Nipplopolis for me boy! Damn!

    Rasputia: I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die up in here. Drive the car, goddamnit!