Man will die

Belle 2022-03-14 14:12:23

What do we think of when we are dying? Is there a soul after death? These are all difficult questions that have plagued mankind for thousands of years. Different civilizations have given birth to various answers such as heaven, hell, resurrection, reincarnation, reincarnation, and end, but no one has ever experienced it firsthand. Especially when I grew up under the banner of materialism and atheism, after the complete overthrow of Marism and Maoism, the unbelief me firmly believed that consciousness ended with the end of the body.

How can you die? China takes the heart to stop beating as the standard, and many countries in the world take brain death as the standard. Based on the criteria of brain death, Nelson, a young medical student, proposed an arrogant idea to promote brain death through some drugs and surgery, so as to experience existence beyond death that philosophy and religion can't answer, and then restore life through first aid technology. If this is successful, it will undoubtedly be a major breakthrough in medicine. It also means that the criteria for brain death will be re-evaluated and rewritten, and will cause controversies in medicine, ethics, and law.

Of course, Nelson succeeded because of the plot. For this, I would like to thank them on behalf of all mankind. They have the courage to innovate and dared to make breakthroughs, knowing that they are facing huge difficulties, and facing countless people's saliva, they are still fearless. They challenge death on behalf of mankind, and have overcome death time and time again. For the sake of world peace, civilization, and social progress, God exists for life and perpetual human well-being. What a great spirit of sacrifice is to try and die. Why use "them"? Because he is not fighting alone! Not alone! "Frankeistein" possesses the soul at this moment!

Due to Nelson's successful challenge and magical experience, several students who helped him perform the operation also lay on the simple operating table for personal experience, and refreshed the death time records time after time. However, the experience was not perfect, and all four experiencers left sequelae. After death, everyone's consciousness entered some wonderful scenes. After the resurrection, everyone fell into different hallucinations and suffered physically and mentally. After a period of torture, under the leadership of cool brother David, everyone successively defeated the illusion. In the end, Nelson also defeated the illusion through death and resurrection again, which can be described as fighting poison with poison. The hallucinations of the students are caused by some mistakes, negligence or guilt a long time ago, just like the "Butterfly Effect". Death and resurrection are just a cover here. What the director wants to say is actually salvation. On the topic of redemption, comments on "The Redemption of Xiao Shenshi" 4 years later have been flooded, so I won't talk about it any more. Sin and original sin have one heart.

Good movies about hallucinations. I have seen "Beautiful Mind" and "Sixth Sense". Foreigners are always tirelessly exploring the mysteries of life, even in Hollywood.

Comrade Paul said: When he is about to pass away, he can say frankly: "I have dedicated my entire life and all my energy to the most magnificent cause in the world-fighting for the liberation of all mankind." I was once. I think that the first thing I will remember before I die is the brightest chapter in life, the sparkling trophy, the lingering night of my first girlfriend, the joy of being a father, or writing an article to make all the leftists in China run to the right. If you condense your life into a ladder, you can only see a few steps when you look back at the top.

The son once said: When a person is about to die, his words are also good. Recently, my thoughts are also shaking. It is inevitable that people will hurt other people intentionally or unintentionally. Perhaps after years of baptism, what they hope most is to apologize or make compensation to those who have hurt them, in order to achieve moral consummation without having to fall into guilt and self-blame all day long. It's about salvation again, CUT. Perhaps with the efforts of Nelsons, our generation will not die.

On the whole, the film was poorly made, and I came here for Julia Roberts. I didn't take it off even when I used a pacemaker. I was too unprofessional. I thought it was the director who asked for it but they didn't agree.

Finally, there is a friendly reminder that the uncles and aunts in the movie have practiced, so little friends should not imitate.

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Extended Reading
  • Kaelyn 2022-04-22 07:01:28

    The original version has stronger casts than the new version, and it does not take the line of terror. It focuses on the guilt mentality after dying, redemption becomes the theme, and reconciliation with the victim who feels guilty has obvious religious implications. It is worth mentioning that several leading actors were all at the peak of their appearance, especially Kevin Bacon, who rarely played calm and reliable roles. ★★★☆

  • Lee 2022-03-21 09:01:56

    This is the best looking "low low horror movie" on the film station for two consecutive weeks at 9:00 p.m. The point is that after 20+ years, three of the five leading actors became superstars, and I didn't know them until later. , to see these three people acting as college students with less folds on their faces, I also think it's amazing hahahaha...

Flatliners quotes

  • Nelson Wright: When my body temperature hits 86 degrees, you're going to hit me with 200 Joules. The electric current will stop my heart. When the heart is dead, take the mask off... I'm going to draw 20 ccs. You handle the injections. When the EEG flatlines, the brain is dead. I'll be exploring. Give me 30 seconds. Flip the blanket on to 'warm.' Take me up to 93 degrees slowly. Inject 1 cc of Adrenaline, and at one minute, Joe, you come in with the defibs. And you bring me back to life.

    Rachel: [entering room] With brain damage. Resembling in many ways a cabbage patch doll.

  • Randy Steckle: [In the car racing to get to Nelson] We're being paid back for our arrogence.

    Joe Hurley: [Sarcastically] Save it, Randy!