Not pretty, especially the Mandarin version

Deron 2021-12-15 08:01:10

Not good-looking, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good Especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version is not good, especially the Mandarin version. Not good-looking, especially the Mandarin version is not good-looking, especially the Mandarin version is not good-looking, especially the Mandarin version is not good-looking, especially the Mandarin version

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Extended Reading
  • Genoveva 2021-12-15 08:01:10

    My god, look good, the hero and heroine of "The Mummy" meets Jackie Chan's action-adventure comedy. The story is cliché but joyful and lively. The visual presentation and sense of rhythm are excellent. Also, because of the relationship that was born out of the theme park, Possibly because of the fact that there are fewer and fewer Hollywood movies with such pure entertainment since the past two years, I am really happy when I watch it. I hope to see the next adventure of these two people!

  • Susie 2022-03-28 09:01:03

    Disney is a real god. Any story can be vivid and colorful. The story of an expedition to find a tree that can cure any disease is not new, but the special effects created are super good. The forest, the snakes, the birds, the colorful frogs, etc. are all amazing It is the kind of stimulation that no matter who looks at it, they will sweat. In addition, Emily Blunt is really temperamental. This red lip looks good and deserves 6 points.

Jungle Cruise quotes

  • Aguirre: This is WORSE than death! This is torture!

  • Prince Joachim: [about to be crushed to death by a falling piece of a building] Scheisse!