
Remington 2022-04-23 07:01:06

A French warmth film that has been praised to the sky, only from my personal point of view, the level of this film is not in line with the praise it has received, even if it is a good work, but the rating is really too high.

The film is adapted from a true story, and the character settings in it have been fine-tuned. The black descendants replace the North African descendants, and the effect on the dramatic conflict is obviously better. There are great differences, and this distance setting between the sky and the earth is precisely the core tension of the story. In the process of restoring the story, the film silently displays human nature and emotions, and touches people's sensitive nerves inadvertently. Whether it is simple and pure friendship, or the true temperament of washing away the splendor and returning to oneself, they all give people the most real warmth. The servant is more like a symbol of breaking the rules and releasing life.

As a film that focuses on storytelling, it has a good sense of rhythm. In addition, the actors are reliable and the music is great. If there is a fly in the ointment, I think the film is about the emotional development and transformation process of the master and servant. , there is still room for fuss.

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Extended Reading
  • Violette 2022-03-22 09:01:07

    Vulgar makes people happy

  • Robb 2022-03-26 09:01:01

    "The real disability is not sitting in a wheelchair, but losing her." When you really adapt to a person, no one can replace it. The story Eddie Murphy and Robert De Niro have to tell.

The Intouchables quotes

  • [Orchestra plays next symphony]

    Driss: Isn't it Tom and Jerry?

    Philippe: [resisting to laugh] Tom and Jerry. What a rascal. Help.

  • [while Driss is shaving Philippe, the razor near his jugular]

    Philippe: A quick cut would settle it.

    Driss: You're in great shape. I love it.