Racing, how much passion can not be overstated

Kameron 2022-01-02 08:02:05

As a person who is in the real racing world, when watching the trailer, I never thought about going to the cinema to watch this movie seriously. I felt that compared with the real racing car, this movie was a trifling matter. In the end, I chose it in the theater. I watched this movie because of Rain; but as the movie progressed step by step, I couldn’t help but follow the ups and downs of the plot, and the passion of the competition went crazy. Although everything in the movie is virtual, the so-called secret and high Technology is too illusory, but the soul of the car is very clearly expressed. Racing is to make people passionate, fascinating, crazy, and desperate. For a racer, nothing is more important than reaching the limits of people and cars and winning the championship.
Racing, it is not an exaggeration to devote much passion to him.

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Extended Reading
  • Germaine 2022-01-02 08:02:05

    Gorgeous and suitable for going to the theater

  • Meta 2022-01-02 08:02:05

    Because Mao has no depth of field, he is stylized to the point of disgusting people.

Speed Racer quotes

  • Speed: I thought we made a good team today. It felt like we've been doing it for a long time.

    Racer X: If you say so.

  • Speed: It's going to be okay.

    Mom: You wouldn't lie to your mother, would you?

    Speed: Never again.