The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes

Corrine 2022-04-19 09:01:08

I saw the trailer earlier and was very funny.

Under the cover of Avatar, I downloaded it and watched it. In fact, it was not bad.

The rhythm of the film was fast
. It's
a pity that people are attracted . I haven't read the novel and I don't
know if there is a description of similar reasoning in the novel
. . . Amazing. . . In a short time,

Robert Downey Jr., the reasoning of a series of actions in the future, still has Iron Man
and Jude Law, and the impression of Blueberry Night is very good
. The combination of these two people is really. . . Reminds me of House and Wilson when arguing. . .
The true love

film revolves around a cult leader in London, England.
In addition, the secret mission performed by Sherlock Holmes' love interest
also leaves a foreshadowing for the sequel...
The whole film is quite dark, and it depicts the face of London in the industrial period very well
( I don't know how many real scenes I used, I suddenly remembered the October Siege...)

Because I have been watching the lost symbol recently,
some places have associations. . . The connection between black magic, magic and science is
mysterious and interesting, although the film ends with science explaining everything...
I don't expect Dan Brown to end the book with a real "secret"
after all, it's still a movie about A book on the science of semiotics, despite numerous legends interspersed during the period

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Extended Reading
  • Rebeka 2022-04-23 07:01:04

    The ruffian version of Sherlock Holmes is also suspected of being gay.

  • Shannon 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    Completely stunned by the performances and lines of the two male protagonists, the witty words are in a row! This is a suspenseful detective movie that promotes science to dispel superstition. I don't know what the second part is about!

Sherlock Holmes quotes

  • Dr. John Watson: What of Mary?

    Palm Reader: M for Mary. For marriage. Oh, you will be married!

    Dr. John Watson: [nodding his head slowly] Go on.

    Palm Reader: [looking intensely at Watson's palm] Oh, I see pattern tablecloth and... Oh, china figurines and... Ugh! Lace doilies!

    Sherlock Holmes: [pretending to be deep in thought] Mmm... Doilies!

    Dr. John Watson: Lace... doilies? Holmes! Does your depravity know no bounds?

    Sherlock Holmes: No!

    Palm Reader: [continuing her prophecies about Mary] Oh, then she turns fat and, ugh, she has a beard and...

    Sherlock Holmes: What of the warts?

    Palm Reader: Ah, she's covered in warts!

    Dr. John Watson: [interrupting the palm reader] Enough, enough!

    Sherlock Holmes: Are they extensive?

    Dr. John Watson: Please, enough!

  • Lord Blackwood: Sherlock Holmes... and his loyal dog. Tell me, Doctor, as a medical man, have you enjoyed my work?

    Dr. John Watson: Let me show you how much I've enjoyed it...

    [He rushes at Blackwood, Holmes holds him back]

    Sherlock Holmes: Watson, don't! Observe...

    [Watson sees Blackwood's trap]

    Dr. John Watson: How did you see that?

    Sherlock Holmes: Because I was looking for it.