Henry VIII's little mess

Audie 2021-12-14 08:01:12

I just watched "Another Polling Girl" and I was a little interested in this king. I checked the wiki for fun.
Henry VIII was the second son of Henry VII. No wonder he explained to Mary Pollin in the movie: "I know that the second child is always ignored and lives in the shadow of the eldest son." Oh, I have a deep understanding. His mother was Elizabeth of York, the daughter of King Edward IV of England. After Edward IV died, his son inherited the throne, the fifth. As a result, the fourth generation's younger brother Richard jumped out and said, fifth generation, your father and mother's marriage is invalid, you have no right of inheritance. Richard put the fifth in confinement and established himself as Richard III. Henry Tudor of another family married the princess Elizabeth and worked with Richard III. The third was defeated. Since Tudor married the eldest princess of the old king, of course he became a king honestly and unceremoniously. He is Henry VII, and from his beginning, it is the beginning of the Tudor dynasty.

Pulling away, continue to talk about Henry VIII.

Mainly talk about his dog blood history. His first queen was the Spanish princess Catherine. More bloody, Catherine married Henry VIII's brother, Arthur. But after a few months of their marriage, Arthur died of illness. Henry VIII's mother Elizabeth, out of consideration of maintaining the relationship between Britain and Spain, asked Catherine to continue to marry her youngest son, Henry VIII. So Catherine was six years older than Henry VIII.

Because Catherine was married, things were more troublesome. Catherine declared that her first marriage was not consummated, and she obtained a warrant from the Pope to get married. This queen should be said to be generous and decent, deeply respected by the king and loved by the people. But unfortunately, except for a princess, all the other six children died. According to the movie’s dog-blood description, Catherine was already menopausal at this time and could no longer give birth to an heir, so it is obvious that Henry VIII’s heart is no longer on her, he needs to hunt for beauty everywhere and give birth to his heir.

A well-known mistress of Henry VIII, the beautiful and innocent Mary Pauline described in the movie. But the real her, the experience is more complicated. When she was very young, she was the maid of Princess Mary, Henry VIII's sister, and traveled to France. In France, there was an affair with the king, so he was sent home. In England, she became the mistress of Henry VIII. The relationship ended before the birth of her illegitimate child with the king. Her first husband died of a fever, and her second husband was a commoner, which led to her being expelled from the family and destitute.

We can also guess that it was the appearance of Mary Pauline's sister Anne Pauline that caused Mary's fall from grace. In film and television works, Annie is often regarded as an older sister, but there is some evidence that the title of nobility is usually inherited by the eldest child, and Annie's daughter, the famous Queen Elizabeth I, does not have the title of the Bolling family. It can be seen that Annie should be her younger sister.

Regarding Annie, Wikipedia's statement has diverged. On one side, including most film and television works, it is said that Anne tempted the king and insisted on keeping her virginity until after marrying the king. She did not want her child to be an illegitimate child. On the other hand, it was said that Annie was already pregnant. It is estimated that the second statement is more reliable, because Elizabeth I was born three months after her old mother was crowned, so thrilling, almost an illegitimate daughter. Anyway, in short, it was this Annie who turned the king's fascination over and allowed the king not only to treat her as a mistress, but to formally divorce her and marry her. According to Xiaodaogouxue, the king promised that before marrying Annie, he would never touch his queen again, never make eyebrows with other women, and would no longer pay attention to Mary Pauline, who had just given birth to an illegitimate child.

The reason why the king divorced his wife was to repeat the old tune, saying that Queen Catherine had completed her first marriage and was no longer a virgin when she married him. Since she had married her brother, then he and Catherine had a husband-and-wife relationship, it was incest, and demanded that the marriage be declared invalid. I have to say that this trick is too poisonous and unkind. If you get divorced, you will get divorced, and it will ruin your reputation. Anyhow, it is a couple who have been married for more than 20 years. People with a sense of justice are still there. The king needs to be approved by the church for divorce, but no matter how the king mediates or even threatens Britain to stop paying taxes to the church, the pope won't kill him. In a fit of anger, Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Court and converted to the English Protestant Church, and since then re-established the authority of the king. Henry VIII's puppet bishop, whom he fostered, declared his marriage to Queen Catherine invalid. Poor their eldest daughter Mary turned from the British eldest princess to an illegitimate child overnight. In the future, she also suffered a lot of ravages from her stepmother. I don't know if the childhood shadow caused the psychological abnormality. After she came to power, she vigorously promoted Catholicism and massacred Protestants, known as "Bloody Mary"-remember that kind of cocktail?

Henry VIII couldn't wait to marry Anne Pauline, but it was a pity that Anne had nothing to do except Princess Elizabeth. Soon, Queen Anne was also arranged for N crimes, beheaded for treason, adultery, incest. Hey, Annie has only been a queen for three years. It seems that the "true love" of men is very short, especially the powerful.

History is always the same. Annie Pauline was the female officer of Queen Catherine. This time, her successor, Henry VIII's third queen, is her female officer. Compared to Annie, she was still a good death. After giving birth to Henry's only male heir, Prince Edward, she died.

Henry's fourth marriage was a political marriage. He married the sister of the Duke of Krevez in Germany. The reason is that they also support Protestantism. Out of caution, Henry also sent a painter to paint the portrait of the princess. Have you thought of anything? Why was Wang Zhaojun forced out of the Western Regions? Comrades, fake and inferior things kill people. The portrait was like a fairy, Henry was overjoyed and hurriedly agreed to the marriage. Unexpectedly, when I got married, my facial features seemed to be the same, but... why are there so many acne on my face? ! After getting married, Henry had no sexual interest in the queen. Later, because the Duke of Reeves had a dispute with the Holy See, Henry took advantage of the situation and declared that he and the queen did not have a consummation (Henry, I believe you!), and took advantage of this. The queen remarried others. It was recommended that the fairy Cromwell was implicated and beheaded. Back then, it was him who helped Anne Pauline fabricate all kinds of charges and executed the queen. It was just a report for a pay, it’s not that he didn’t report it. It hasn't arrived yet, Skynet has recovered its negligence without leaking, the axiom...Ouch, don't smash me, I, I will continue! ! ! !

His fifth wife is also related to Anne Pauline, and is Anne’s cousin, Catherine Howard. What I said, history is often the same, this lady is the female officer of the German clown girl just now. It seems that women don’t worry about the little nanny at home. There is a reason and origin. This young lady is also miserable. First of all, Henry is already more than 50 at this time. He is bloated and has old bad legs. We have no reason to believe that she really loves Henry. The Pauline family has always had the habit of offering women for favors, and it can be said to be brave and brave. It can be seen that this Miss Catherine is just a victim of being betrayed by her shameless parents and relatives. After her marriage, Henry was very fond of her and her family, but Catherine was just 17 or 8, and it was normal to not be interested in Henry. Her lover is Calpeper, who had previously been married to her. Henry couldn't believe it for a long time after their incident was reported. It wasn't until Catherine's love letter to Calpeper was placed on his desk that he woke up like a dream. Brother Henry, you are really a green cloud...but Catherine is still very spine. Before being beheaded, she said, "I am going to die as a queen, but I prefer to die as Calpeper's wife. She was beheaded with Calpeper, and the body was buried in the same place as her cousin Anne Pauline.

Henry’s sixth wife is an old widow (hey, it’s getting worse...), but it’s clear that she still has a lot of influence on Henry. Under her impetus, the third "Law of Succession to the Throne" was passed. The Ministry of Inheritance Law stipulates that illegitimate children also have the right of inheritance. Therefore, although Bloody Mary and the famous Elizabeth I became illegitimate children because their mother's marriage was declared invalid, they also had the right to inheritance after Prince Edward.

After Henry died, he was buried with his third wife, Zhen. It seems that he cherishes his short-lived wife. First, she gave birth to his only boy, and secondly, she did nothing to apologize to him. (Whether I can say darkly that I hung up before I had time...). Jane was called by Henry the only legal wife she recognized. Sigh, the status of the dead is indeed infinitely high.

After Henry's death, his son Edward inherited the throne. He has no descendants. After his death, Mary, born to Queen Catherine, inherited the throne. Then, it was Elizabeth I. Since they had no descendants, the Tudor dynasty ended.

Phew... It's not easy to finally finish writing.

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Extended Reading
  • Gerardo 2021-12-14 08:01:12

    What kind of girl matches what kind of love, people who are not kind will become sad in the end. Men who have the brains of worms are the most shameless, and women who are overwhelmed with jealousy are the most hateful. Apart from breaking away from history, this film is a love textbook for women.

  • Retha 2022-04-24 07:01:07

    After watching it on TV, I thought it was okay.

The Other Boleyn Girl quotes

  • King Henry VIII: Anne, have you considered what I've asked? Is there hope?

    Anne Boleyn: How could I ever trust you, when I've seen how you betray first your wife, now my sister?

  • Mary Boleyn: [to Anne and George] May God have mercy on you both.