Large doses of psychedelics

Braxton 2022-01-01 08:02:21

I have always wanted to use editing software to cut off all the branches, and only keep the music and all the places where Keria's face, body and voice appear.
Then staring at her beauty while smoking marijuana is dizzying.
It's as if she is sitting carelessly on your lap, while being sore by her thinness and fierceness, she is unstoppably dying.
And you, before even touching an inch of her skin, burst out of hell-like suffocation pleasure.

A super long rock psychedelic music video with overexposed colors that are very LOMO. Both youth and wildness were exposed to the dazzling sunlight, and they were at a loss as to what to do.

In addition, the film technique and script are really terrible. The performance was also lacklustre. To show off Keria's beauty and sexiness, you can use a more straightforward way. Like a Hong Kong tertiary film, make up some bad stories without sincerity. Too contrived.
The independent development of each node of the script is still a good idea, but it is a pity that the screenwriter is like a third-rate student's work, putting together the things that can be thought of.

The irony is that both inside and outside of the play are the same. No one really cares about the courage and fighting strength of this young little Nizi as a bounty hunter. All people want is your face and all the hallucinations that result from it. .
This is undoubtedly a resounding slap in the face of Domino's perseverance in pursuing breakthroughs and dreams. So the real prototype died in the bathtub during post-production overdose.
Life is to constantly create dreams for you and smash them in front of you fiercely, and give you a more gorgeous dream again when you are on the verge of despair, and so on. It's strange that people who live too well don't rely on drugs.

The most painful thing for me is the face of Mickey Rourke, the gentle and bookish erotic teacher in Nine 1/2 Weeks. It's so disabled, the big disabled. My heart is broken to pieces.

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Extended Reading
  • Adam 2022-03-27 09:01:11

    The script could be better, but the editing is so cool

  • Roderick 2022-03-24 09:02:23

    I don't understand what it means, but I really like the man like Trek in it.

Domino quotes

  • Kimmie: I should let you know that Mr Heiss will only be available to meet for about five minutes, so we should hurry up and cut to the point. Um, and speak in short sentences because he has the attention span of a ferret on crystal meth.

  • Lateesha Rodriguez: Now, as a blactino woman, I believe we deserve our own race category to forge an identity, Jerry. That's how I feel.

    Jerry Springer: Did you just say "blactino"?

    Lateesha Rodriguez: Yes, I did. I'm a blactino-American.

    Chinegro Woman: Wow. Uh, first of all... first of all, you don't even look latino. You look black. You're... You're black. Second of all, I'm of mixed race, and I've struggled my whole life as to whether I'm Chinese or whether I'm black.

    Lateesha Rodriguez: Chinegro! What you are is chinegro!

    Chinegro Woman: Chinegro?

    Lateesha Rodriguez: Chinegro! There you go!

    Chinegro Woman: Chinegro?

    Lateesha Rodriguez: You are a chinegro!

    Chinegro Woman: What the


    Chinegro Woman: is chinegro?

    Lateesha Rodriguez: That's what you are! Chinegro is you!

    Chinegro Woman: That's some bulls...


    Chinegro Woman: .

    Jerry Springer: OK, as I understand it, you brought a mixed-race flow chart with you. Why don't we bring that out?

    [Crowd shouting and booing]

    Lateesha Rodriguez: [to a random heckler] How you doin', sugar? All right. I'm gonna call you later. Mwah. All right.

    [Crowd laughs]

    Lateesha Rodriguez: Take a look at this...

    [she unveils the chart]

    Lateesha Rodriguez: Blactino, blackasian, hispasian, OK? Now, for the Asian subcategories,

    [to the Chinegro woman]

    Lateesha Rodriguez: I got you, sister. We have chinegro right here. That's you. Chinegro.

    Chinegro Woman: That's not a word! That's not a word!

    Lateesha Rodriguez: Yes, it is, sister. We have koreagro. Japegro, OK?

    [Crowd laughs]

    Lateesha Rodriguez: Chispanic, koreaspanic, and last but not least, check this out, y'all... japanic.

    [Crowd cheering]

    Lateesha Rodriguez: That's how I flow with it!

    Jerry Springer: Do you believe the government should recognise these racial subgroups?

    Lateesha Rodriguez: Yes, Jerry, I do.