This may be the worst Star Wars movie in years

Eunice 2022-04-19 09:01:27

I have to say it's pretty ugly. Even a little unexpected. After all, the film was remade by 80%, plus various favorable internal rumors before, plus the propaganda of some bigwigs, I thought it was rescued. From the effect of the film, the basic death was announced. Even the male lead is bad. However, the final appearance of a certain character is very surprising, and I also thought about the timeline sequence of it and "Rise of the Rebels" for a long time when I watched it. Regarding the brightness issue, it can be said that this is indeed the darkest movie on the screen after Tomb Raider. At that time, we still chose the XLAND hall, and this movie hall also increased the brightness appropriately, but the whole movie was still a mess, either terrifyingly dark or gray, and it felt like watching an old movie of the last century. The movie tells the story before Star Wars, which is the same universe as Star Wars, but it is not played by Harrison Ford. The whole film is a money-making work, there is nothing worth remembering, and there is no climax. It is ordinary, and you would not even think that this movie cost 300 million yuan, because the effect of the finished film is less than 90 million. This film is probably the worst Star Wars of the last four movies. The previous Star Wars 8 had already made me fidgety in my seat, and this time it challenged my bottom line again. Disney probably wants Star Wars to learn from the Marvel assembly line, who knows that no matter how fat the sheep are, they will be drained. The previous Josstice League bashing was similar to this bashing. They were both large-scale reshoots but not delayed, which eventually led to the bashing. (It seems that the solo may be even worse than the Josstice League.)

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Extended Reading
  • Adelbert 2021-10-20 19:02:12

    Han/Chewie/Lando/Falcon's destined encounter! The expectation value was zero before the opening, and the result was unexpectedly delighted! All male characters are like repressed deep cabinets. The girlfriends just walk through the scene, from the dialogue to the camera, constantly suggesting that the men around them are each other's true love. Alden did not imitate Uncle Ford, but created his own unique existence. I'll still buy it for the next one.

  • Tiana 2022-03-20 09:01:20

    Overthrow the tyranny of the empire! Human and machine equal rights!

Solo: A Star Wars Story quotes

  • Tobias Beckett: [Beckett to Val, Rio] I'll be damned

  • Lando Calrissian: [Lando to Beckett] This is unbelievable. I'm definitely going to have some words with someone about this.