Big hero, little man

Alvina 2021-12-17 08:01:09

"Ip Man 2" is much better than I expected. Although the story is a bit flatter, the solid characterization and beautiful action drama are quite brilliant, making the overall level of the film unabated compared to the first one. As a sequel to a domestic movie, the core plot is based on an overrun segment such as a fight with foreign devils. There are indeed too many reasons for everyone to question, but "Ip Man 2" finally broke through and went all the way to the end. Received a round of applause from the audience.
I personally think that "Ip Man 2" was able to shine. Almost half of the reason was due to the characterization. The first episode continued. In the sequel, I still insisted on putting the image of Ip Man on the road of ordinary people. A modest and cautious. , A kind and family-oriented man, rather than a reckless hero who stands out at every turn. What is more impressive is that Huang Liang asked him if he could beat more than a dozen people at a time. He said that it is best not to fight, Huang Liang asks if it is true. Do a dozen people want to beat him? He said, run. But then we saw the scene of Ye Wen in the fish stalls playing against the crowd. In the martial arts, various heroes represented by Shaolin would often teach his disciples that martial arts training is to strengthen the body, not to maintain strength. He was weak and so on, but it was not as real and comfortable as the word "running".
In the story, although there are not many new ideas, the rhythm is better controlled. With so many plays, there is no feeling of emotional fracture at all, and the changes in the attitude of the characters are smooth and not abrupt. The only shortcoming is that Ye Tai gave birth to a child before the fight. This section is a bit vulgar and outrageous.
Furthermore, the lines of the film are very precise. Except for Zheng Zeshi’s “revelation”, which drew a burst of innocent laughter, there are few ridiculous words that are out of sync with the time. It is even more rare that it is very "impassionate" as a film. In the film, the lines are collected everywhere in the film, which minimizes the meaning of preaching. Ye Wen taught Huang Liang the essence of Chinese martial arts. After that, I asked him if he understood it. On Huang Liang's side, instead of nodding thoughtfully and solemnly, he said slickly: I'm thinking. Everyone smiled, the righteousness was hidden under the humor, and there was no sticky feeling at all. Especially after the ring, Ye Wen's interview was clean and neat, which not only fits the character's own temperament, but also did not weaken the appeal of the previous savings because of deliberate emphasis.
The main scenes of the film include the round table competition between Ye Wen and Hong Zhennan and the ring match with the British boxing champion. Compared with the former, which is relatively simple action scene, the latter is more difficult to deal with because the plot is too common. Fearless, Huang Feihong, Chinese audiences are familiar with the stories of national heroes beating foreigners, but the scene in which Ye Man defeated the British boxing champion was very contagious, because Ye Man was not deified at that moment. The scenes of Hong Zhennan being killed were cross-edited in, showing that he acted more out of respect and regret for people, rather than empty righteousness. After his submission, when the British stood up and applauded, there were still some people. Throwing away, these details are very real, so that they can move people, this is true.
Finally, let’s talk about the performance. I have to say that Donnie Yen’s performance is becoming more and more sophisticated, and his ability to grasp the role has surpassed the level of ordinary martial arts stars. Personally, I think that Donnie Yen is an overly hostile person. He has a straight face and looks cool and handsome. It takes no effort to play a ruthless role. It is still difficult to act as a kind-minded and benevolent person in the world, but this is the case. Worrying about being proved to be superfluous, even if you see Ye Daxia's real body at the end of the film, you don’t feel that Donnie Yen’s image is too different from it. At least in terms of temperament, it is very close. I think that in the many films of Donnie Yen, the corner of Ye Wen, or Can be named.

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Extended Reading
  • D'angelo 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    The narrative function of music

  • Elinor 2021-12-17 08:01:09

    The G-spot of Chinese audiences will always be Chinese martial arts violent foreign devils... "IP2" is indeed very good in grasping the audience's G-spots. The audience has taken care of all aspects. Even female audiences like IP people because they give their wives. Rub the calf...

Ip Man 2 quotes

  • Ip Man: Let's talk. Will you release my pupil first?

    Cheng Wai-Kei: Release him!

    Ip Man: Leung, are you all right?

    Wong Shun Leung: I'm fine.

    Ip Man: Why did you injure him?

    Wong Shun Leung: He wanted to fight, but wasn't as good as me. I couldn't really help it, could I?

    Cheng Wai-Kei: What did you say? I'm not as good as you?

    Ip Man: Take it easy! You're both young men. Injuries are inevitable in friendly fights. I'll visit your master and explain to him. May I know who your master is?

    Cheng Wai-Kei: Doesn't matter. He's better than you anyway. By the way, did you bring the ransom?

    Ip Man: No.

  • Wong Shun Leung: Master, you really can fight ten men at once.