I love you, even if I'm not supposed to.

Vito 2021-12-16 08:01:04

Steven Russell’s confession:

That afternoon in my childhood, I lay in the grass with my friends and looked at the clouds in the sky. They saw the pony, the beetle and the flying bird, but I saw the man’s penis. From then on, I knew I was different from others.

It was also that afternoon, I was told that I was indeed different from others: I was adopted. Since then, I decided to be the best person. I played for the choir in the church, met my daughter's mother, and I loved my daughter. I am a policeman, but no one knows. I chose to be a policeman just to find out who my biological mother is. I went to her, wanting to ask her why she didn't want me; she didn't recognize me, but in any case, my long-cherished wish was fulfilled. Later, I quit my job, moved and started a new life, and continued to be an ordinary good man, husband and father, until the day I was crashed at the crossroads.

That day, I was in a catastrophe in a car accident. I was lying on a stretcher and hysterically decided that from that moment on, since I was born a new life, I would be myself: I would be an upright gay. However, I would be a man with unlimited scenery as I wanted. Although gay is not difficult, it is very expensive, so I resolutely embarked on the road of scammers. It can be said that once entering the gay circle is as deep as the sea, since then conscience is a passerby. But I had to pay it back sooner or later, and I went to jail; but with my shrewd talents, I can get it right wherever I go. The days went smoothly until the day I met you.

That day I was close to you, close to love, and close to maybe the only sincere thing in my life. But in fact, I continue to cheat; my life is made up of one lie after another, and it can even be said that my existence itself is the most absurd and huge lie.

My deception has allowed us to live the life we ​​want, but the deceived one is deceived after all, and the disillusionment is as fast as a soap bubble. You leave me, I go to jail again. But I love you. Since then, I have escaped from prison again and again, and then arrested again and again, just to find you and let you know that I love you. Until you finally got tired and went to jail together, you asked me frustratedly how I could love someone who didn't even know who I was, saying that you would never forgive me.

Yes, I am a liar. I use lies to swindle money and affection. I also use lies to make people leave me. In the dark night I cried bitterly in bed, a person who does not exist should not continue to exist. But, I love you, Phillip Morris, I love you, even if I'm not supposed to. We love each other, this is real.

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Confessions of Phillip Morris:

Before I met you, I was an introvert Comrades who are weak and shy can stammer nervously even when talking to strangers. You smiled and confided in love to me, with gentle eyebrows but irresistible firmness. I fell in love with you, and you gave me a sense of security that I had never felt before; the day you were transferred to another prison, I had the courage to run into the playground that I had never dared to approach for the first time, just to In front of the iron fence, shout out to you who are about to leave: I love you.

I fell in love with you, fell in love with everything about you, including the lies that contained you. We had a beautiful life like a dream, but because it was a lie in exchange for it, it disillusioned as fast as a soap bubble. I warned you, but you didn't care, until the Dongchuang incident, I left you sad and angry. You go to jail, you call me, I turn a deaf ear. You escaped from prison time and time again and came to my door. What do you want to say to me? You are a liar, you are not even a lawyer-you started making up lies the moment we first met. You want me to open the door to hear what you say, just one sentence; I finally opened the door, and the police swarmed before you could speak.

When we were sitting side by side in the police station, my heart was ashamed, but you still wanted to say you love me. But you have lied to me since we met. Our relationship is full of lies. You used me, just like you used other people; I don't know what you have done besides lying to me, but you still count on me to love you. I don’t even know who you are. You don’t even know who you are. How can I love you? I even hate you. I tell you and tell myself that I will not forgive you, I will never forgive you.

Without your lies and interruption, the life behind bars was as calm as water, and I lived a life of simplicity as calmly as before I met you. It wasn't until this day when I was sitting on the bed and eating biscuits in silence. Someone came to tell me that you had AIDS and that you were seriously ill. That was why I woke up like a bad drink. I couldn't calm down. I rushed to the prison infirmary to see you, but they told me that you were dying and had been transferred out of the prison, and your death was only a matter of time.

I can't calm down anymore, thinking that from now on, I will be separated from mankind forever, but I can't see you for the last time. I called your nursing facility frantically just to talk to you. Hearing your voice makes me feel weak, but you are still saying that you miss me. I can't help but tell you, although I'm still angry with you, I want you to know that even if sometimes I can't figure out who you are, I love you. I never stopped loving you. Even if you lie and you lie, but we met and we fell in love, there is nothing more real than this. I'm so stupid, falling in love with you is the best thing I have ever done, I don't know how to live without you, but I didn't understand until now. And now, even if I can't be with you anymore, I will always be yours and always yours.

Is it too late to express your confession? I seem to be able to hear the tears streaming down your cheeks. I can only ask you to feel at ease, if you want to leave, just go, it doesn't matter, I will be with you. There was silence on the other end of the phone, and then the phone was disconnected, did you hear me calling your name? I love you, Steven Russell, I love you, even if I'm not supposed to.

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Hangla's confession (it has nothing to do with the movie, you don't need to watch it):

Many things are not as simple as imagined. Such as love, such as not loving; such as remembering, such as forgetting; such as breaking up, such as reunion. Such as calmness, such as pretending to be calm; such as indifference, such as pretending to be indifferent; such as happiness, such as pretending to be happy; such as not minding, such as pretending not to mind. For example, dig your heart and your lungs, such as letting others believe that you are digging your heart and your lungs and not something else.

To blame is to blame too little sincerity and too many lies, or blame is to blame too little frankness and too much guessing.

Any movie, as long as you watch it with your own thoughts, it must be an AB drama of life that is well received. Funny to say, I first noticed this film only because it was released on my 25th birthday. And the persevering attention to it is because of Ivan. I can say responsibly that this is definitely a stunner for men and women.

I couldn't stop crying like an idiot when I was watching this film. There are SO many sentences that would break my heart and soul. I couldn't stop thinking of you. I love you, even if I'm not supposed to , I still do. I'm sorry.

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Extended Reading

I Love You Phillip Morris quotes

  • Steven Russell: Phillip...

    Phillip Morris: Don't.

    Steven Russell: I love you.

    Phillip Morris: From the moment we met, you've done nothin' but lie. Our whole relationship, just lies. I'm such an asshole. You took advantage of me, just like all the others. You were supposed to protect me, but you just did nothing but make a fool out of me. And you expect me to love you? How can I? How can I love you? I don't even know who you are. And you know what's sad? I don't even think you know who you are, so how am I supposed to love someone that don't even exist? You tell me.

    Officer: Morris, you're up.

    Phillip Morris: I'll never forgive you Steven. Never!

  • Phillip Morris: You fucker!

    Steven Russell: I know. I'm sorry. You weren't supposed to find out.

    Phillip Morris: Well, I did.

    Steven Russell: I couldn't take a chance telling you. You know that. I couldn't. But, Phillip, I only did it just so I could get here to you. I did it so I could talk again. And here I am.

    Phillip Morris: You're so skinny.

    Steven Russell: I'm fine. Just hungry.

    Phillip Morris: Steven, I don't...

    Steven Russell: Wait, listen. I just came here to tell you one thing, and that's it. You don't have to take me back. I just want to say one thing. I know you think that we were nothing but a lie, but underneath all those lies, there was always something that was real. I thought about what you said to me. You said you don't know who I am, but I know now. I know who I am. I'm not a lawyer, I'm not a CFO, I'm not a cop, I'm not some kind of escape artist. Those Steven Russells are dead. Now all that's left is the man that loves you. And if you could see that, believe it, I promise I'll never be anything else ever again.

    Phillip Morris: How do I know you're not bullshitting me again?

    Steven Russell: You don't.