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Sideways Reviews

  • Marlee 2022-04-23 07:01:30

    The big bitter and the little sweet, the loser's wine

    This movie is like wine for losers, some people hate it, some people love it.

    What's the point of the loser's wine? It is not for the loser to indulge in it and feel sorry for himself, but for the loser to still see hope in the despair of trying and fail, and have some sustenance to maintain the...

  • Mariane 2022-04-23 07:01:30

    Wine and song, life geometry? Why worry? Only Du Kang!

    The happy days of life are always short, and the rest are dull and boring life. Therefore, happy things are more memorable and memorable. Movies and real life are two completely different worlds. The ending of movies is often a happy ending, something that others yearn for, but it happens not to be...

  • Mina 2022-04-23 07:01:30

    Life is like wine, especially wine

    Some unfinished thoughts and feelings The first time I saw this film was in 2009, a season suitable for tight-fitting short-sleeved plaid shirts and a plaid shirt. In the lounge in the center, four or five people were nestled on the sofa. The lights were dim, but I was stunned. I yawned and didn't...

  • Scot 2022-04-23 07:01:30

    hope you well...

    The more I drink, the more I like the feeling of drinking. I like to imagine the life cycle of wine. It's a living thing. I like to imagine what happened in the year the grapes were grown . The people who harvested the grapes if it was an old bottle, probably a lot of those people died I like the...

  • Hoyt 2022-04-23 07:01:30

    Life Wine Cup

    A film from ten years ago. Looking at it now, I think it will be more emotional to watch it again in ten years. Just like this tempting red wine, like this unpredictable life, this will never be out of date. Humans will always need wine, they need to taste life like red wine, and they will always...

  • Josefa 2022-04-23 07:01:30

    To Drink or Not To Drink

    When I was young, many things were taken for granted. In particular, I somehow decided that the right person would appear smoothly at the right time, so when I grew up, I always stubbornly saved some "right things". For example, I went to Europe and reached the southernmost tip of Italy, but...

  • Celine 2022-04-23 07:01:30

    To be unique

    Payne's movies are all beautiful. From "Descendants" to this Sideways, it is estimated that only in a place full of natural beauty can that kind of advanced midlife crisis be derived. In the days of waste oil, high housing prices, and PM2.5 everywhere in China, middle-aged friends estimate that it...

  • Lelah 2022-04-23 07:01:30

    afterglow of sunset

    The story of a glass of wine life is like this. My friend Jack is about to get married. Miles and Jack drive along the wine tasting route he prepared to celebrate his friend's last week of being single. Miles, who loves wine tasting, is a middle-aged language teacher. He is short and slightly fat....

  • Lowell 2022-04-23 07:01:30

    The Life of Wine, the Life of Mine

    The scene that left the deepest impression on me in the two-hour movie was the conversation between Miles and Maya in the dim light of Stephanie's house:        "Why are you so interested in wine?"        "I always think of wine. A lifetime. Thinking of it as a living thing, alive and alive. I...

  • Destini 2022-04-23 07:01:30

    The wine of the years

    Grapes, fine wine, luminous cups. There is no pipa, no horse, no war, only a mid-life crisis that cannot be driven away. Two people, a frustrated writer and an outdated actor, want to run away, want to drink a glass of wine, meet a different destiny, and relieve their inner anguish. It's not that...