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Son of God Reviews

  • Katheryn 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    as a cultural history book

      This is a classic story. The first thing to be sure is that this is just a film work, not a missionary tool, so there is no need to resist before watching the film, all the film does is tell a story. And this is not an ordinary story. It is a story that has been passed down for thousands of...

  • Ivah 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    slightly boring

    Big Bear has seen movies based on Luke and John. Also read Mel Gibson's. Guess that this time there will be no new things from Shenma... Sure enough. The film begins with John in a cave, meditating on the meaning of logos. Hehe, John, who was meditating in the deep mountains, almost made me think...

  • Elinor 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    God's story, God-like story

    Jesus, as a bridge between God and man, such biographies are either interpreted as a preaching by God, or as a restoration of history. Of course, as a film created by art, it happens to play an ambiguous role during the period. The apostle Peter, the prostitute, the healing of the paralyzed man,...

  • Pablo 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    son of god

    In fact, Jerusalem is really a holy place. The earliest Judaism originated here. Later, Christianity was derived from the Jewish teachings of Moses and the Ten Commandments. Arabian Islam also originated here. Later, the Roman power declined and was occupied by the Islamic people. Almost the Middle...

  • Makayla 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    son of god

    In the dead lake, Peter caught a boatload of fish, and in the barren village, the paralyzed took a new step. Because Jesus, with an eternal smile, brought miracles to the poor; in the face of a prostitute who was about to be executed, Jesus asked someone who had never sinned to crush her to death,...

  • Marcelina 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    Mature mind will be fearless

    A movie recommended by my family, and I started watching him as a task, because the first half of the lack of understanding of Christ was basically a textbook and I fell asleep after reading it. It took four days to watch a movie. There are many things I don't understand. Especially the...

  • Serenity 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    Looking forward to new soul possession

    There is God or there is no God, this is the question that people have been struggling with, but, do you remember, Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. Indeed, we cannot be truly born again, we cannot be sanctified without Him, and there is no better example in the world than Him. You...

  • Gerardo 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    Belief reflection, deeper understanding of juvenile school

    As a brief introduction to the life of Jesus, it can connect some fragments of previous understanding of Jesus in terms of visual experience, such as the birth of Jesus, the forgiveness of the lascivious woman, the last supper, the suspicion of his favorite disciple Peter, and seeing...

  • General 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    Faith is a great spiritual power

    Many Westerners say that Chinese people lack religious belief. Every god the Chinese believe in first has the power to change the sky and destroy the earth, and then Chinese people believe in him and worship him. The corresponding god should also provide corresponding protection and welfare. . So...

  • Dahlia 2022-04-02 08:01:01

    Teach only Love

    Son of God, for me, this is a must-see movie when you see the title, and it was a pleasant surprise. one! That flowing robe, free and easy posture, handsome face, confident smile, gentle eyes, and fashionable messenger bag. Hahaha, this is probably the most realistic image of Jesus I can understand...

Son of God

Director: Christopher Spencer

Language: English,Hebrew Release date: February 28, 2014

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