Aubree Kassulke

Aubree Kassulke



  • Shot Caller Shot Caller

    Aubree 2022-12-24 10:14:39

    In the beginning, we were all the babies of our parents, but later we became victims without exception---continued

    The extension of the film review of "herring" is written below.
    The movie is about the life of the people after the court's final decision. Every seemingly correct choice is at the cost of their own dignity, life and even the lives of their loved ones. Who can afford such a gamble?
    Enlarge the scene of leaving the prison to everyone's life, and everyone is not like this. The people at the bottom give their hard work and personality to make a living, the middle class sells their time...

  • Suntan Suntan

    Aubree 2022-12-21 16:27:05

    beautiful mistake

    When I think of the male protagonist's expression and figure, it is full of sadness and helplessness.

    There was a time in the middle when the relationship between the male protagonist and the female protagonist was the most harmonious, and I actually thought that the male protagonist was quite cute, and the whole face and body began to exude a strange brilliance. What a good actor.

    The Greek people are very natural, so they show you naked and naked, and they don't feel any...

  • Dream Home Dream Home

    Aubree 2022-12-06 19:08:49

    The plot is too crap

    The plot of "Victoria 1" is ridiculous. The female protagonist works three jobs, saves money to buy a house, and is married to a married woman... I don't know how to describe such a Hong Kong girl except stupid. How could she turn into a bloodthirsty demon? If her obsession with the house was her path to becoming a demon, then the process would be too fast, and the reason for killing would be too stupid. There is another point worth questioning. The heroine is crazy, not a ghost, right? With...

  • Babies Babies

    Aubree 2022-11-29 14:11:13

    What kind of living environment can you give your child

    I saw the documentary "Sunshine Baby" when I was browsing Weibo today. The soft and cute smiles of the babies in the nine pictures attracted me deeply. I also remembered a few courses on "Consultation for Preschool Children" that I had recently read. This documentary generated interest.
          From the United States in North America to Japan in Asia, to Namibia in Africa and Mongolia in inland Asia, "Sunshine Baby" records the four babies from being conceived in their mother's womb to...

  • The Soloist The Soloist

    Aubree 2022-11-27 19:07:22

    Life often lacks such a bosom friend

    I started paying attention to the film before it was released, perhaps because I was learning the piano, but I was always interested in films that had something to do with music. After reading the introduction, I know what kind of story is being told, but after reading the whole film, I can get some insights.
           In fact, this film is a bit literary, a bit dull, without any color or turbulence. If you are not a big lover of classical music, you should not like this kind of...

  • The Bothersome Man The Bothersome Man

    Aubree 2022-11-27 13:32:19

    Absurd and interesting, I don't like it, but I will never forget it

    The movie from Norway, formerly known as "Den Brysomme Mannen", is an absurd drama that is both heaven and hell, life and death. It's not the kind of movie that you like when you see it, but it's not easy to forget. The

    first scene is impressive, one man and one man The woman was kissing on the platform of the car, and the sound of kissing was endless, but the two men and women kissed without the slightest emotion. The sound was disturbing, and then the camera pulled away, and it...

  • If You Are the One If You Are the One

    Aubree 2022-11-23 00:17:02

    About Xiaobai, Wusang, Xiaoxiao and Hokkaido

    After watching "If You Are the One", I don't know how I feel. I laughed a lot and was silent a lot while watching. What has not changed is that Ge Youna can be used as a classic humor. What has changed is that there is a love that makes people cry. It is the gentleness of Hangzhou, and the hazy and dreamy awakening of Hokkaido.

    .....About Xiaobai

      Xiaobai, it seems that this name has only been mentioned once, but I remember it deeply. Because of her decision, because of Qin...

  • Going in Style Going in Style

    Aubree 2022-11-05 14:14:32

    friendship all way long

    Word of God, there are no handsome guys and all the old people's films, I also watched it with relish. The 3 old men seem to be famous actors (can't remember the names). The three old men who are almost 70 robbed the bank together, and they were successful. Sure enough, sometimes only money can change a person's life situation. The old men are slower than physical actions. , logic and psychological quality are leveraged. ٩(๑^o^๑)۶ "in life, if you're lucky, you get a couple of great friends....

  • Mr. Six Mr. Six

    Aubree 2022-11-03 18:11:32

    May all fathers and sons be reconciled and all young people go out of their way

    The old posters hanging in the hallway of the cinema are not confronting the Liuye gang and the wealthy officials, nor the Liuye gang and the Xiaofei family, but a group of middle-aged people and a group of young people. You thought he was talking about a hooligan, but what he said was clearly a father and son.
           The so-called "youth", the so-called "righteousness", the so-called "rebellion", the life Xiaobo is experiencing in the background of the story may not be as glamorous and...

  • Love, Rosie Love, Rosie

    Aubree 2022-11-01 22:02:08

    I love you, but I love myself more

    1. Half an hour before the movie, as a 21st century highly educated independent and arrogant... single, I feel resentful in my heart. The hero and heroine are full of betrayal, car accidents, abortion, and debauched adolescence, and love each other. But he was arrogant and refused to confess. He did something similar to how I love you but had to use others to prove my love. The man who chose the school also suffered a different ending. Later, he still ran to the beautiful emperor of...

  • La Grande Vadrouille La Grande Vadrouille

    Aubree 2022-10-18 21:27:24

    Tiger escape

    A classic adventure comedy with the theme of World War II, many laughing scenes in the film have become a model for the comedy circle to imitate and pay tribute later. British and French soldiers and civilians joined hands in the anti-German festival. The British pilot is mainly responsible for the appearance, and the two famous French comedians who play the conductor and the painter respectively contributed the most wonderful laughs in the whole film. The bright blue eyes of the smart and...

  • Cut Bank Cut Bank

    Aubree 2022-10-07 12:43:03

    The town people’s yearning for the city led to the deaths of 3 people

    The title of the film was not well translated, and the "murderer" was clear from the beginning. If you treat it as a mystery film, I will be disappointed. The theme of leaving the small town and yearning for the big city reappeared in the film through some details, which also led to the beginning of a series of events. Including the ending of the film in an extraordinary way to realize the male protagonist's wish to leave the town, and the little boys can't catch up with the back of the car,...

  • Girls Girls

    Aubree 2022-10-05 10:31:38

    Voice of the Times

    Even though this generation does not seem to be interested in anything, it still hopes to write the voice of its own time like the predecessors. Just like Hannah in the first episode, after taking drugs, he announced to his parents that he would write a voice of a generation, if Not the voice of our generation. But what is the voice of the times? Can you represent your contemporaries if you live in this era, or do you have the ability to explain yourself?

    The author and director of...

  • Bad Boys for Life Bad Boys for Life

    Aubree 2022-09-25 12:42:24

    As a nostalgia for those days

    The two of them back then, one of them nag and made all kinds of jokes; the other was cynical and caused trouble all day long, but they were steel and iron, killing countless criminals in seconds. Laughing is enough, and playing is cool.

    Now, I am slowly getting old like them, and I should not kill so much, and be more nostalgic. Compared with the action films in recent years, this film is not a classic in terms of special effects or fighting, but because I liked these two second-hand...

  • Bodyguard Bodyguard

    Aubree 2022-09-19 11:59:41

    Why do you have to write a title?

    Watching the last episode makes me mad, are the British police all idiots? Eating too many potatoes makes your brain funny? Just a bunch of idiots, right? Under the circumstance that the male protagonist was tied by a bomb, no one from top to bottom was doing serious work, and what he did was very unprofessional. A person with a bomb strapped to his body is so cooperative, they don't think about disarming the bomb and then interrogating it, but when the male protagonist is strapped with such...

  • Aubree 2023-09-16 11:22:32

    always mourning more than laughing

  • Aubree 2023-09-15 21:21:17

    I didn't watch "Long Time" until today. It's not that I wasn't interested, but that I didn't dare. When I knew the plot outline, I knew that this was a movie with very internal injuries. really.

  • Aubree 2023-09-10 04:12:20

    This film can be explained by the routine of the model opera, which is three prominence, line struggle and no gender awareness. The struggle between the two lines in the Maze Runner is clear, Bully is a rightist, implements a strategy of stability over everything, do nothing and wait to die. The protagonist Thomas is a leftist who dares to fight and dare to rush, and has a tendency to smash everything. Of course, the rightists couldn't defeat the leftists, and many red soldiers followed the leaders of the leftists bravely, breaking through many obstacles and finally moving towards the light. As for the lack of gender awareness, refer to the model play: Sister Aqing in Shajiabang, Li Tiemei in The Red Lantern, and many women in the Red Detachment of Women are just symbols and have nothing to do with gender. This can explain that after the woman was sent into the maze, A group of small fresh meat did not respond to this situation at all

  • Aubree 2023-09-07 04:34:55

    2012-11-16 First, he gave up love for family responsibilities without hesitation, and then for love, even if he didn't know the consequences, he never turned back, and the turning point was unclear. None of the characters are in place, and they are extremely attentive to the environment. The uninteresting love sees the heroine entering the monastery at the end, which is also a relief for the audience. There are novels about smart women who resolutely withdraw after true and false love. If you only talk about love, in fact, what kind of love does not matter.

  • Aubree 2023-09-05 14:28:40

    At first, I thought that the perfect "nothing personal" loneliness was the end of the traveler. In fact, we all realized it too late. The root cause of obsessive loneliness is just the lack of unknown love~

  • Aubree 2023-08-12 03:37:19

    Bald head Bumin is so handsome~~

  • Aubree 2023-07-16 09:38:50

    #Save to the future for children to watch the drama# I'm paying attention to the girls' outfits throughout the whole process. There are a few sets that are very good-looking, but why do they like flower socks so much?

  • Aubree 2023-06-25 14:20:49

    Very passionate educational film, respect, equality and heart, teach them to follow their heart and to be themselves. Pround of them.

  • Aubree 2023-06-08 01:36:20

    The core of the story feels okay, but it's not well told at all. The director is really deducting points, let you make a movie, don't you do still life close-ups and editing exercises... And, can you not make the climax look like a difficult birth (I'm also real geek, only watching this kind of obviously broken thing) when you think about how to make a movie

  • Aubree 2023-05-10 12:09:26

    Love doesn't know what to do, and it's boring.

  • Aubree 2023-05-06 06:21:59

    It's a pity, this subject matter is quite new, but I felt that there was a little bit of passion in it when I was shooting, which made it too bland except for the last half hour, which was exciting, didn't it?

  • Aubree 2023-05-04 15:20:36

    In my opinion the best of the season. However, it is expected to be a short-lived drama. The old beauty can't get the cute えポイント in it at all.

  • Aubree 2023-04-29 22:13:51

    Watching while doing other work.

  • Aubree 2023-04-29 03:56:05

    Little brother Tobby looks very familiar, and sure enough, the boy pig of a boy girl thing that he has seen once. Youth is invincible, sloppy to death, and still a dazzling mess. He was raped by his stepfather and his mother committed suicide since he was a child. Since then, he has been living on the streets. Suddenly, he met a very kind woman called "lady" who claimed to be from a "church." The many longings of love - so that I can watch you every day and never leave you - the listeners are moved.

  • Aubree 2023-04-21 17:25:41

    How did this get to the sixth part? The plot design points are quite sufficient, and the actors are also very hardworking, but the overall grasp is not enough; the wild, snowy mountains, farms, and factory sniper battles are all involved, and there are still some bright spots in individual scenes, such as the driver being sniped and bursting the back seat. The blushing is considered to be relatively violent; seeing everyone fighting so hard, give it three points. Looking at the special effects costumes and scenes (most of them in the wild), the crew seems to have no money, but how did the helicopter come to film?