Alastair Thomson Mills

Alastair Thomson Mills

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  • Extended Reading
    • Michelle 2022-03-20 09:01:03

      If it is free

      This is the scene that shocked me: Wallace exhausted his last strength on the guillotine and shouted out the heart-wrenching words: freedom!

      I once sighed that our predecessors threw their heads and sprinkled their blood to win freedom for us, but what are we doing with these freedoms?

      From China...

    • Bianka 2022-04-23 07:01:01

      The end of the dirge, the beginning of the carol.

      After Wallace's death, the distant sound of Scottish bagpipes was both an elegy and a carol. Mourning the hero's downfall, but stirring up the freedom of the Scottish people. I think there is probably no other instrument that can combine these two emotions like the bagpipe.

           From the very...

    • Ayla 2021-10-20 18:58:03

      Scottish epic film, fighting for freedom. Everyone will die, but not everyone has ever really lived

    • Berenice 2022-03-25 09:01:03

      Don't like the ending. I love FREEDOM, the best Gundam anyway. I'm also pursuing my Scottish courage!!!

    Braveheart quotes

    • Robert the Bruce: [his last line, to the Scots] You have bled with Wallace.

      [unsheathes his sword]

      Robert the Bruce: NOW BLEED WITH *ME*!

    • Princess Isabelle: I understand you have suffered. I know... about your woman.

      William Wallace: [pauses] She was my wife. We married in secret because I would not share her with an English lord. They killed her to get to me. I've never spoken of it, I don't know why I tell you now, except... I see her strength in you. One day, you'll be a queen. And you must open your eyes. You tell your king that William Wallace will *not* be ruled... and nor will any Scot while I live.