Privacy policy

  1. Dogesflix function overview
Dogesflix provides Internet users with online browsing and search services for film information materials, as well as the creation of personal home pages. Dogesflix members enjoy the following functions: browsing or searching for film materials, browsing or searching for filmmaker materials, browsing other people's materials, and commenting and exchanging opinions. In order to enrich members' experience on the website, we require members to show some information to other members or tourists.
Dogesflix pays attention to the privacy protection of its members. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please email us Contact us.
  1. Collection and use of dogesflix information
When registering, dogesflix requires submission of information such as nickname, email address and age to authenticate membership and send email notifications related to dogesflix services to members. In addition, dogesflix will also collect, for example, but not limited to the following information: interests, hobbies, gender, education level, occupation, contact information, etc., in order to promote contact and communication among members.
In addition to personal information, dogesflix will collect some information unrelated to the identity of members and tourists, including IP address, access time, browser type, etc. This information will be used for website management, behavior tracking and improving the service quality of the website. These information irrelevant to personal privacy may be shared with third-party companies, so as to provide more relevant services and advertisements for our members. Recording the user's IP address is also for security and monitoring purposes.
In dogesflix's social network, member profiles, including photos and nicknames, are made public to promote mutual assistance and interaction between users. The purpose of e-mail is to invite new friends to join dogesflix, add users to the member's personal network, and receive e-mail notifications related to services. In addition to the above three purposes, each member's e-mail address is not shared or made public. Members can use the services provided by dogesflix for online communication without providing their own e-mail address. The real name of the member will not be displayed directly to other users.
We may send updates, news and service related news to members through their e-mail addresses. Members can cancel the receipt of such emails by setting the "what email notification do you want to receive?" option in "personal settings".
  1. Invitation to unregistered site users
Dogesflix members can send invitations to friends to join dogesflix through our "invitation" system. Dogesflix will store the email address provided by the member so that the recipient can enter the sender's friend list and send the invitation reminder again. Dogesflix will not sell such e-mail addresses or send them e-mail content other than invitations and invitation reminders. Recipients of invitations can log off their email information in the database by contacting us.
You can prevent dogesflix from sending invitations or other types of emails to your mailbox. Just send an email with the subject of "frozen" to 。 Please note that the mailbox where you send the freeze request is the mailbox where you decide not to receive dogesflix email notification.
  1. Use of cookies
Dogesflix uses cookies to store visitors' preferences and record session information. Its functions include ensuring that users do not repeatedly receive advertisements with the same content, and customizing news, advertisements and web content according to different browser and user configurations. We will not associate the information stored in cookies with any personal data related to the user's identity. You can limit the reception of some or all cookies by setting browser options. However, you must enable Cookies to use most of the services provided by dogesflix. Please note that third-party advertisers on some pages of dogesflix may enter and set cookies on your computer. This behavior is subject to the privacy policy of the third party and does not apply to dogesflix's privacy protection regulations.
  1. External links
Dogesflix contains links to some external websites. Dogesflix is not responsible for the privacy management and behavior of these websites. When jumping to an external website, users should read the privacy policy of the website. The privacy rules provided here are only used by dogesflix to collect and manage member information.
  1. Personal home page, message board, discussion area and comment area
When you publish all kinds of information to members on your home page, message board, comments and discussion area, please note that your information may be used by visitors and send emails to you.
  1. Modify / update / delete data
Dogesflix members can enter the "personal management center" to update or delete the data in their personal files at any time.
  1. Email reception / cancellation
In the "personal settings" of the "personal management center", members can refuse to receive the update or notification email provided by the website by canceling the check box before the "personal related information notification", and refuse to receive the website news email by canceling the check box before the "system notification email". The email received by the user will also include the dynamic notification and dogesflix news email cancellation instructions described above.
  1. Third party advertising
The advertisements on this website are published by dogesflix or our advertising partners. Third party advertisers may set cookies. The function of cookies is to identify your machine before the server sends you online advertisements every time. In this way, the server will record when and where you clicked the links of which advertisements, so as to use the collected information to decide which advertisements you are most interested in. This privacy policy restricts the use of cookies by dogesflix, but does not involve the use of cookies by other advertisers.
  1. Safety protection
The security of dogesflix member information is guaranteed by the password set by the member. Dogesflix attaches great importance to protecting the confidentiality of member information. We take various measures to protect the member information in the database. We also have strict restrictions on website personnel who need to enter the database, such as customer service and technical maintenance. However, we can not fully protect the security of member data. Some irresistible factors, such as illegal intrusion and use, software and hardware crash, may cause a certain degree of damage to member data.
  1. Disclosure of dogesflix member information
Except for the circumstances described in this privacy policy, dogesflix will not disclose the personal identity data of its members to any third party, with the following exceptions: (1) when laws and regulations require dogesflix to respond to a law enforcement procedure; (2) When it is necessary to fulfill dogesflix's terms of service and protect the rights of the website; (3) When the security of users and members needs to be protected. Dogesflix reserves the right to transfer user information to the service successor under specific circumstances, such as dogesflix's acquisition or asset transfer.
  1. Update on privacy policy
When the content of our privacy policy is updated, we will publish an announcement on the website to let users know the latest changes, so as to inform users how we collect, use and manage members' personal information. After the announcement takes effect, members shall comply with it.
  1. Contact the website
If you have any questions related to privacy protection, policy implementation or website operation, please send your comments or suggestions to our email: