Alessandro Borghi

Alessandro Borghi

  • Born: 1986-9-19
  • Height: 5' 10¾" (1.8 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Eusebio 2022-09-15 13:45:19

      A story in a room is not easy to write

      The story in a room in Destiny Cafe is not easy to write! The pros and cons of any choice in life are equivalent, but most of the time you can't see it! In the same vein as "Perfect Stranger", the same closed space narrative also uses only lines to explain the plot, but unlike "Perfect Stranger",...

    • Winston 2022-09-18 05:29:51

      The old lady who dropped the bomb, you won

      I have to say that this movie was quite good to watch during the lunch break, and it tested my patience, but I continued to watch it for the strangeness of Italians and Italians.

      After reading a lot of comments, I feel that there is no real god or devil in this movie. Everything is realized around...