Alexia Traverse-Healy

Alexia Traverse-Healy

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Maxwell 2022-10-17 06:59:48

      Boy, please give him a shot

      Boy, if any pig calls you a worthless idiot, then make him a real blunderbuss stuffed with Viagra and marijuana and drool and JY. If you can't close that stinky mouth when he sees this, then give it a shot, load it up with your fucking dirty words, and blow up its fucking dirty world.

      Hope this...

    • Zachary 2022-10-08 16:49:44

      Love isn't really that important

      It's not a drama review, it's just a messy feeling.

      Before watching it, I saw a comment saying that it is recommended not to read it in one go, it will be very down. But I couldn't hold back and watched the first two seasons in one go. After watching it, I felt relieved. I feel that "love is not so...

    Skins quotes

    • Emily: [laying in bed together] I wish I had a mom like that. Katie and me, we were always together. Everything together. Eating, sleeping... Until we were nine we used to take a dump at the same time.

      Naomi: [laughing] Jesus!

      Emily: Yeah. No secrets. There was no point.

      Naomi: [beat, then serious] What about this one?

      Emily: [beat] Naomi... I wanna tell people.

      Naomi: That you're gay?

      Emily: I wanna tell people about us. Come to the college ball with me.

      Naomi: Why would I want to do that?

      Emily: Why not?

      Naomi: Em, it's nobody's business.

      Emily: Why? Who cares what other people think?

      Naomi: Emily, I'm not like you! I'm not sure, like you are.

      Emily: What aren't you sure of?

      Naomi: Can't thinks ever be complicated?

      Emily: Fine, you like boys, too.

      Naomi: Maybe. Maybe I like only boys, apart from you.

      Emily: Well, that's fucking great! You're so in touch with yourself, aren't you?


      Emily: Come to the ball with me, like we're together.

      Naomi: [beat, then Emily gets up] Don't do that.

      Emily: No, you don't do that!

      [gets dressed]

      Emily: I'm not your fucking experiment! Where are my fucking shoes?

      [looking around]

      Emily: Oh, fuck it! Keep them! I'm tired... So sick and tired of it.

      [looking intensely at Naomi, beat]

      Emily: We're still holding hands through a catflap, aren't we?


      Emily: Have fun in Cyprus.

    • Emily: [quoting] "I see it now in lights - Naomi get to know me."

      Naomi: I thought it was catchy.

      Emily: Yeah, so is AIDS.