Alice Hung

Alice Hung

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading

    Safety Not Guaranteed quotes

    • [Darius joins Jeff and Arnau in the motel lounge bar, where Jeff has shown Arnau how to Facebook friend an old girlfriend of Jeff's]

      Jeff: Here she is. Look at you, you went all rogue. What did you get?

      Darius: Got his name, where he works.

      Jeff: Great.

      Darius: What did you guys get?

      [Jeff points to the Facebook page]

      Jeff: She accepted, but, uh, no photos, so I'm not really sure.

      Darius: What?

      Arnau: He came here to hook up with an old high school girlfriend.

      Darius: [scornful] Seriously? That's what you've been doing?

      Jeff: Well, I've been doing other stuff, too, but.

      [Jeff takes a sheet of photos out of his pocket, with bravado]

      Jeff: Maybe this will change your attitude a little bit. That's her. When she was 18, and I used to see her naked.

      Darius: So?

      Jeff: So I'm coming back to try to see her naked again.

      Darius: I'd be weirded out if some guy tried to track me down after 20 years.

      Jeff: I'd be weirded out, too, if some guy tried to track you down.

      Darius: Why?

      Jeff: Who would do that?

    • [Jeff approaches Kenneth's house. He clearly has not done enough research, and acts like a smiling, bobbing idiot]

      Jeff: Kenneth Calloway, right? Is that right? My name is Jeff.

      [He extends a hand to shake, which Kenneth ignores. Jeff is grinning too much]

      Jeff: Look, I saw your ad in the, uh, Classifieds. I want to know if you need a partner.

      Kenneth: What's your mission?

      Jeff: What do you mean, what's my mission?

      Kenneth: What's your reason for going back?

      [Jeff has changed from smiling maniacally to frowning]

      Jeff: Oh, well, who wouldn't want to go back? It's an amazing opportunity. To go back in time, you know? See gladiators, and watch dinosaurs with my own eyes. Have sex with a pilgrim? That's all I wanted. I want to go back. It's neat. Who wouldn't want to go back, Kenneth? YOU want to go back. Why do YOU want to go back? Well, do you need a partner?

      Kenneth: Can you look fear and danger in the eye?

      Jeff: That's an odd question.

      Kenneth: Have you ever stared fear and danger in the eye and said YES.

      Jeff: Sure.

      Kenneth: Get off my porch.

      Jeff: Let's start over. Come on, we can be pals. Let's go back in time.

      Kenneth: Man, that smile. What is that smile? You don't know pain, you don't know regret, you don't know...

      Jeff: [agreeing with everything and leaving with his arms raised] Okay. Well, look, it was really nice to meet you.

      Kenneth: [grimly] That's what I thought.