'Big' LeRoy Mobley

'Big' LeRoy Mobley

  • Born: 1973-4-1
  • Height: 6' 4" (1.93 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Dock 2022-10-03 12:25:06

      Last day

      I said that I have grown up, and every step of my life has begun to be cautious. I can't ignore the gains and losses, I'm helpless and unable to be who I am. A friend in New York said, you must watch this Broadway musical, "Rent".

      He specially bought this DVD and gave it to me. I tried very hard...

    • Buster 2022-10-08 06:47:54

      my understanding

      I watched "Rent" today, and I was really touched by the brilliance of humanity conveyed by the play. The artist's focus on marginal figures is moving. This musical may have a good market in China, because the country has always been more sympathetic than understanding for such marginalized groups...

    Rent quotes

    • Maureen: Look, gimme that, I'm sick and tired of you always carrying that around

      [takes camera]

      Mark: Maureen, no! Your gonna break it!

      Maureen: [while filming Mark and slightly running from him] Hey Mark! Happy New Years, Mark!

      Mark: No! This is NOT my barmitzvah give it back to me!

    • Mark: [as they Tango] It's hard to do this backwards.

      Joanne: You should try it in heels.