Bishop Stevens

Bishop Stevens

  • Born:
  • Height: 6' 1½" (1.87 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Cathy 2022-06-02 15:18:06

      The music is great, my parents are very good

      After watching 6 episodes, I think this film is worth recommending. Reasons:
      1. First of all, the music is great. The title songs of the second and third are very good, especially the title song of the second. Very FASHION. I like the style of hip-hop music, refreshing, not just rap.
      2. Secondly,...

    • Violette 2022-09-17 18:46:33

      7 points for the plot, 8 points for the production, 9 points for the performance

      The 50-minute subway ride to and from get off work was just enough to watch the show, and I finished watching it in a week. I wanted to write a short commentary, but the more code words became, the more the commentary was changed.
          1. The plot is simply the gossip girl of the older black...

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