Bobby Batson

Bobby Batson

  • Born:
  • Height: 4' 3" (1.3 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Max 2021-12-19 08:01:17

      An anticlimactic invasion

      U.S. blockbusters on the subject of alien invasion, from the evil spirits, to the battle of Los Angeles, and super battleships, all have a problem, evil aliens, they can fly across the vast universe, but their military The strength just happened to be evenly matched with the great American...

    • Garrick 2021-12-19 08:01:17

      Unexpected alien

      First of all, I want to say, I don’t know why so many people complain about this movie.
      I personally think this movie is still worth watching. When I first saw it, I really felt it was a disaster movie. I didn’t expect it to be about aliens. Although there are various sayings that it’s...

    • Kadin 2022-04-22 07:01:32

      The grand opening is unstoppable, and the next wave is worse than wave. The name of the movie is the fifth wave, and the fifth wave is the ultimate performance of the story. The first wave did not allow you to post on Moments, the second wave of natural disasters, the third wave of plague, the fourth wave turned out to be Infernal Affairs, what is the fifth wave? Could it be the Human Removal Program? The interpretation of the film is inexplicable, combining various themes such as Independence Day and the day after tomorrow, but we can only see the brain damage of the screenwriter.

    • Catharine 2022-04-21 09:02:23

      Two hours without saying anything, even if it's a youth film, don't take the audience for a fool

    The 5th Wave quotes

    • Sergeant Reznik: You were infected yet recovered while your family didn't

      Ben Parish: That's why they call me zombie

    • Cassie Sullivan: [having been reunited] I missed you so much, Sam.

      Sam Sullivan: [struggling not to cry] I missed you Cassie.