Bronson Pelletier

Bronson Pelletier

  • Born: 1986-12-31
  • Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
  • Profession: actor
  • Nationality: America
  • Representative Works: "The twilight saga"
  • Bronson Pelletier (Bronson Pelletier), American actor. The main works are the Hollywood movie " The twilight saga ".
    Extended Reading
    • Belle 2022-04-21 09:01:24

      It's a hilarious movie

      When watching this film, I seem to have seen the American version of Aunt Qiong Yao. The lines in it are all spoken slowly, disembodied and sensationalized, in short, it is a show of emotion.

      From about 5 minutes into the opening scene of Edward's sultry scene, I shivered all over, and I had the...

    • Guadalupe 2022-03-14 14:12:22

      u must know

      1) The third film in the “Twilight” series will be officially named “Eclipse.” This is probably a no-brainer as both Twilight and 'New Moon' were based on the title of their book counterparts.
        2) The series will now be called “The Twilight Saga.” Isn't that what's its being called for the last...

    • Rubie 2022-03-23 09:01:22

      Twilight 3: Bella and HULK's indecent love, as an action movie, I fell asleep several times

    • Korey 2021-10-21 15:30:13

      Square Yao Ming's face, dog-blood love triangle. Ugly and long!!

    The Twilight Saga: New Moon quotes

    • Edward Cullen: You can't trust vampires... Trust me.

    • Quil Ateara: So this is your girlfriend, huh?

      Jacob Black: [looks around awkwardly] I said she was a girl who was a friend

      Quil Ateara: [looks at Embry] Do you remember him making that distinction?

      Embry Call: No I don't.