Butch Anderson

Butch Anderson

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Adolfo 2022-01-15 08:02:03

      You know, there will always be an answer.

      You know, there will always be an answer.
      Just like I am now, I have watched this movie and I am very happy and think she is a very good movie. But when I was typing this thing, I could hardly remember the details of the movie, and almost forgot all of them, leaving only the three words "good...

    • Percy 2022-04-21 09:03:02

      Aftermath and spoilers

      The feeling of the female version of ah Gan, let me clearly understand some characteristics of autism. Autism has an extreme need for security and an extreme sensitivity to things and even colors. The film didn't make me feel comfortable, but overall it touched me with indescribable inspirational...

    • Leif 2022-03-26 09:01:11

      Opening a door leads to a new world! I love documentary films!

    • Justen 2022-03-27 09:01:15

      Compared to the story, I prefer the way the film is shot, it's an interesting montage

    Temple Grandin quotes

    • Temple Grandin: I've eaten bulls' testicles! Ate them in my aunt's ranch. Regularly! This is a waste!

    • Temple Grandin: I've lots of important information on all this and I need Mr. Michaels to sign off on it.

      Randy: Don? Don don't sign nothing.

      Temple Grandin: I need Mr. Michaels to sign...

      Randy: You're not hearing me right. Don don't sign nothing. I sign everything around here. His signature, but I do the signing.