Chris Walley

Chris Walley

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading
    • Kareem 2022-09-12 18:29:37

      teenage youth

      This movie shows that most of these juvenile delinquents are because of the lack of family warmth and parental care, and some are overly spoiled, and they cannot bear the blow, which leads them to the road of crime. However, the society did not abandon them, but did everything possible to...

    • Veronica 2022-09-12 19:00:57

      juvenile offender

      The simple criminal history of a cute juvenile delinquent is nothing to be afraid of whimsical and full of tenderness is what a juvenile should have! The simple criminal history of a cute juvenile delinquent does not matter to be afraid of whimsy and full of tenderness is what a juvenile should...

    The Young Offenders quotes

    • Conor: If I was looking for stuff, stuff would be found.

    • Jock Murphy: If you are under the age of sixteen you are classified as a young offender which basically means you can't get in trouble.