Clay Enos

Clay Enos

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading
    • Marjolaine 2022-04-22 07:01:02

      Legend of the Black Ship

      I haven't read the original
      book. Personally, the comic book legend of the black ship that appeared in the film corresponds to the development plot of the entire film.
      The protagonist in the legend of the black ship corresponds to Rorschach, and the crew corresponds to the joker who is also a...

    • Reagan 2022-03-19 09:01:02

      Life is a practical joke and death is the final laughter-----WATCHMEN

      The comedian said: humans are savages in nature. He is clever enough to see through all the make up we put on. And he is wise enough not to tear down the maskes. He just laughed and Joked about it, cause he knows his life is a practical joke.
      He is so clever yet so deliberately immorale.On the...

    Watchmen quotes

    • Adrian Veidt: His vision of a united world... well, it was unprecedented. I wanted... *needed* to match his accomplishments, and so I resolved to apply antiquity's teaching to our world, *today*. And so began my path to conquest. Conquest not of men, but of the evils that beset them.

    • Adrian Veidt: What, in life, does not deserve celebrating?