Darin Heames

Darin Heames

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Erna 2022-10-03 18:57:36

      leave temporarily

      There is always a feeling of indifference to seeing the scene of the disappearance. Compared with those who commit murder and arson as soon as they come up, there are criminal psychology CMs, crime scene investigation CSIs, etc.; those who set fire to autopsy bones have knowledge of bone tracing...

    • Monica 2022-09-06 15:19:52

      The quality of the second season is better than the first season

      I just watched the first episode of the first season in which a group of people drew a timeline on the whiteboard, and then everyone seemed to be busy and able to deduce, and I felt a little interested. But when I saw the back, I started to get bored. Most of the plot revolves around 9/11 and its...

    Without a Trace quotes

    • Samantha: You wanna tell everyone, don't you?

      Martin: Look, Sam, you already know how I feel, and now Danny's asking. But this probably isn't the best time to talk about it.

      Samantha: Fine, we won't talk about it.

    • Danny: Martin, why don't you just ask me what you wanna ask me? Go.

      Martin: Look, I know you don't drink...

      Danny: Yes. I'm an alcoholic. I haven't had a drink in 7 years, 3 months and 18 days.

      Martin: Good for you.

      Danny: And not a day goes by when I'm not dying to have a drink, which is why I go to meetings twice a week. You got it?