Dawn Bradfield

Dawn Bradfield

  • Born: 1970-7-25
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Alex 2022-06-15 19:21:21

      about them

      After reading a lot of related things, I was thinking that maybe the director wanted to express the nostalgia and abandonment of the ignorant fantasies and willful temper of childhood and the ignorant and fearless rebellious rebelliousness of teenagers in the process of growing up... In the end, I...

    • Vaughn 2022-06-15 22:13:45

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      All fans of Elaine Cassidy's mania because of Fingersmith want to dig up her old work. This film is out of stock on Amazon, and it is very difficult to download on the Internet. I was fortunate enough to borrow the original DVD from another patient. She is still very Elaine Cassidy, although she is...

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    Disco Pigs quotes

    • Runt: What's the color of love, Pig?

      Pig: What sort of love, love?

      Runt: Don't know. But you know the way things, they got a color. I wonder what the color of love is.

      Pig: Jesus, Runt. You could read a thousand thick books and never know the answer to that quiz.

      Runt: It's be a good one to know, ah?

      Pig: It'd be brilliant, Runt. It's around here somewhere.

    • [first lines]

      Runt: Once upon a time, before there was any blue, I'd take a long long nap in a brand new home. This place, it's like I make up my mind to stay in this lovely warm pink room. The thumpity thump of the heart. My only true path. I tell the noisy world outside to fuck off with all your play-actin', for Runt. She go no where, for no one. That was a time when silence was some sort of friend.

      Runt: But then my mom would heave and wake all inside. And Runt, she wakes up, cause a baby can't stay still forever. A baby must be born. So hold on mom, for the little baby, she's comin' out. Push the baby! Push the head! Oh the fuckin' pain. Man cry like a baby himself. Push now! Push ya fat mommy. And I arrive into this world of mine. The light so bright, it wakes me awake with a little baby's scream.

      Gerry: She's a little beaut'. A diamond darling.

      Runt: And I remember seeing my old dad. So full of the happy, he was. Then nursey hand me to my mum. And she's so tired, yeah? Opened up to spit me out into this funny old world. I smile at her, cause that's what babies do. And for the one and only time, we three are a family.