Emilio de Benito

Emilio de Benito

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  • Extended Reading
    • Zander 2022-04-19 09:01:35

      Midnight Barcelona--Feminine Consciousness in Warm Environment

      After many twists and turns, I finally finished watching Woody Allen's new film "Midnight in Barcelona". Woody Allen's goal this time is to explore eroticism and female consciousness in the context of Barcelona.
            Two New York female college students go to Barcelona for vacation together....

    • Jason 2022-04-19 09:01:35

      Barcelona tell me, what do women want?

      Dissatisfied with the narration, I don't know why it is so wordy, afraid that others will not understand it?

      Woody Allen is still an old theme, satirizing the boring and dull life of the middle class, and exploring the love life. Whether his film is set in New York, London, or Barcelona, ​​it is...

    • Ima 2022-04-21 09:01:36

      After four years, it was like a dream to rewatch it. The old man is really a master, and now I realize that everyone's name has a metaphor, Don Juan, Christ, Helen, Dog. Maybe an over-interpretation, but it's really interesting to ponder. J reminded me that Doug, Vicky, and Christina's three positions represent the ideological transformation of the past, present and future. Unexpectedly, I agree with JA when I rewatch it. Finally, go to his golf

    • Luisa 2022-04-23 07:01:32

      I feel so-so about this story, and what I express is a little unclear, but I admire Woody Allen, the little old man. The atmosphere of the shooting place and the place came out all at once. The soundtrack and tone are beautiful. It's good, 3.5.

    Vicky Cristina Barcelona quotes

    • Cristina: I am here to go to bed with you. You're right. So, you're pretty much home free, unless you - blow it.

      Juan Antonio: Blow it?

      Cristina: Yeah.

      Juan Antonio: *Blow* it - you mean ruin the moment?

      Cristina: Yeah.

      Juan Antonio: How would I do that?

      Cristina: I don't know. It could be anything from some inane comment to wearing the wrong kind of shorts. Although, some how, by looking at you, I think you're wearing the right kind of shorts.

    • Juan Antonio: What do you want in life besides a man with the right shorts?

      Cristina: I don't know. I know I'm not going to settle till I find what I'm looking for.

      Juan Antonio: Which is - what?

      Cristina: Something - I want someone, something different, something more, some sort of counterintuitive love.

      Juan Antonio: Meaning?

      Cristina: Meaning - I don't know. I don't know what I want. I only know what I don't want.