Eric Hinwood

Eric Hinwood

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 11" (1.8 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Johnnie 2022-03-28 09:01:07

      Justice will not be absent

      At the beginning of the movie, people paid too much attention to the black family who moved to the town, so that the audience would think that it would be a movie that expresses racial discrimination like "Get Out". It was not until Matt Damon appeared that he knew about the family of the...

    • Coralie 2022-03-28 09:01:07

      Talking about the atypical movie "Murder in Lost Town"

      What makes a gold collar pick up...WHATEVER?
      While watching the drama, I suddenly remembered Bai Yansong's very low words. The original scene is that in 2015, there was a massive shooting in Suning County, Henan Province. The case caused 4 deaths and 5 injuries. Two police officers including the...

    • Nedra 2022-01-06 08:02:15

      May your family be ruined, and you will still be a teenager when you return, and you may cry at the end

    • Ismael 2022-03-22 09:02:19

      It's okay, it's the book of the Coen brothers. There are crimes, suspense, and black humor. The truth behind the murder is uncovered layer by layer, and the adult world is full of hypocrisy and cruelty from the perspective of children. But it wasn't too good to be clapped. I like the last, as the camera slowly pulls up, the fence separating the two children and extending into the distance disappears into a block without barriers, indicating that equality and integration will eventually be realized. 7/10

    Suburbicon quotes

    • Gardner: I'm sorry for his loss.

      Hightower: Of life? Yeah, I guess he probably is too.

    • Bud Cooper: I could have you killed in no time.

      Gardner: I could kill you too.

      Bud Cooper: [laughs]