Erin Cressida Wilson

Erin Cressida Wilson

  • Born: 1964-2-12
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Secretary quotes

    • [Lee calls Mr. Grey from home to ask for his permission on what to eat at her dinner table]

      Lee: [Lee tells Mr. Grey what her family is having for dinner] It's porterhouse steak, mashed, no, creamed potatoes. Green peas, iced tea, and ice cream.

      E. Edward Grey: [Mr. Grey responds on what to limit her on] Okay. Just a scoop of creamed potatoes, one slice of butter, four peas, and... as much ice cream as you'd like to eat, doll.

    • [Mr. Grey interviews Lee again about being his secretary]

      E. Edward Grey: Do you really wanna be my secretary?

      Lee: Yes, I do.

      E. Edward Grey: This isn't just about typos, tapes, staples and pencils, is it, Lee?

      Lee: No, sir.

      E. Edward Grey: What?

      Lee: No, sir!