Florence Kastriner

Florence Kastriner

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading
    • Brooke 2022-01-27 08:23:16

      "Angel in the World" Geometry of Human Nature

      Angels in America is divided into 2 parts: Millennium Approach and Change Perestroika. The play involves religious beliefs, race, politics, AIDS, homosexuality, love, disease, death and other themes. The content is very full, the characters are very three-dimensional, and the plot is very compact....

    • Marta 2022-03-25 09:01:22

      The result of a mixture of factors

      Based on the stage musical of the same name, the film tells the story of Louis Irnson's constant conscience torture after abandoning his gay lover, Pryor Walter, who has AIDS. Although it is a discussion of AIDS and death and the chaos of the end of the century, it is not blindly sensational....

    • Kiana 2022-03-26 09:01:13

      I can't understand it in some places, and it's very sad in some places. All I can say is that I don’t understand these things at a young age, and maybe I’ll learn more about them later.

    • Marcelle 2022-03-25 09:01:22

      The content of many religions is there, but not understood in many places. Joe was alone in the end, feeling that he was indeed too selfish. I saw a lot of acquaintances, and the actor who played joe was the male lead of Hard Candy. Why are his roles so disliked by me? This film is very good, some parts are very stage style

    Angels in America quotes

    • Prior: I had a wet dream.

      Belize: Mmm. The Calvin Klein man?

      Prior: No, it was a woman.

      Belize: Are you turnin' straight on me?

      Prior: An... unconventional woman!

      Belize: Grace Jones?

    • Prior: Maybe I am a prophet. Not just me, all of us who are dying now. Maybe we've caught the virus of prophecy... Be still, toil no more. Maybe the world has driven God from heaven and incurred the angel's wrath. I believe I've seen the end of things, and having seen I'm going blind as prophets do; it makes a certain sense to me. And if I hate heaven my only resistance is to run.