Gábor Salinger

Gábor Salinger

  • Born: 1953-11-28
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Casimer 2022-04-19 09:02:34


      It's not easy, and you'll find it odd that after everything I've done, I still need your love.
      I had to do that, so I chose freedom. So I went out and tried all the new stuff, but nothing I remembered and I didn't want to remember.
      The truth is that I never left you, even in my wild and absurd...

    • Agustina 2022-03-22 09:02:22

      search hard

      Why do we suffer, we only pursue the pursuit all our lives, forget the beautiful scenery on the road, and only think about the light ahead.

          Viva brings the rural customs from the quiet backcountry to the noisy city, and she uses her body to exchange for upwards again and again. The ladder....

    • Darrell 2022-03-27 09:01:14

      If you want to praise Mrs. Veron's achievements, she should talk about her caring about the country's ideals when she traded her beauty for status before, but she became the first lady to give a speech. I really think it's a disgusting drama about a prostitute to have the power to enjoy the riches

    • Elenora 2022-04-21 09:02:56

      For don't cry for me, the movie argentina went to see, the song is good

    Evita quotes

    • Eva Perón: High flying adored, that's good to hear but unimportant. My story's quite usual, local girl makes good, weds famous man! I was slap in the right place at the perfect time. Filled a gap, I was lucky, but one thing I'll say for me, no-one else can fill it like I can!

    • Eva Perón: And as for fortune, and as for fame... I never invited them in, though it seemed to the world they were all I desired.