George Basil

George Basil

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Golda 2022-10-05 20:08:05

      "Three Sisters": The one who can accept your bad side is the one who truly loves you

      When you saw the title of "The Three Sisters", did you think it was a super-burning, hormonal, female-themed police movie, or a passionate action movie?

    • Uriah 2022-10-05 17:45:07

      Three Sisters

      The plot is a bit old-fashioned. From the first time I saw him dating Sean, I felt that there would be a story behind this man, but I just met him in Mexico when I followed up. Basically, I can already determine the development route of the plot. In fact, the plot is not so important, it is mainly...

    Desperados quotes

    • Brooke: Oh a scale from 1 to 10, how desperate are you to break into this room?

      Wesley: [Whimpers and hits the door]

      Kaylie: I think that.s a hard ten.

      Brooke: That could be a 12.