George Hanover

George Hanover

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Davonte 2022-09-12 11:44:48

      The simple criminal history of cute juvenile offenders

      It's a bit interesting, it feels like a very niche movie, but fortunately it's a niche movie, obviously you can't see too much of the director's ambition from the movie, so the effect presented is very simple, except for the beauty of Ireland, which is funny Accent, simple and lovely people, is the...

    • Daphne 2022-11-05 23:22:20

      15 year old rough man

      I have to say, I'm really not used to the Irish colloquialism. In just over 80 minutes, various trigger points are naturally connected, juvenile growth, parent-child relationship, friendship with friends. It is obviously an educational film, but it is not bloody at all, and it also shows a small...

    The Young Offenders quotes

    • Conor: If I was looking for stuff, stuff would be found.

    • Jock Murphy: If you are under the age of sixteen you are classified as a young offender which basically means you can't get in trouble.